List of Indian Birds

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Amur (White) Wagtail
Asian Barred Owl
Asian Koel
Asian Paradise Flycatcher
Asian Pied Starling (Pied Myna)
Bank Myna
Barn Swallow
Black Redstart
Black-throated Tit
Black-Winged Slilt
Blue-fronted Redstart
Blue-throated Barbet
Blue Whistling Thrush
Brahminy Starling (Myna) 
Brown-headed Barbet
Brown Rock Chat (Indian Chat)
Cattle Egret
Chestnut-crowned Laughingthrush
Cinereous Tit
Common Babbler
Common (Indian) Myna
Common Moorhen
Common Tailorbird
Coppersmith Barbet
Crimson Sunbird
Dark-headed or Grey-headed yellow Wagtail
Eurasian Collared-Dove

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On Each page, you will see multiple pictures of each bird with related information. By watching these pictures and reading the detail, you can learn about the life of these birds. In India, we can find more than 1200 species of birds with many sub-species.


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