
Showing posts with the label Indian Myna

Jungle Myna Pictures and Detail (Acridotheres fuscus)

Jungle Myna Jungle Myna Pictures and Detail- Around us, we can find many birds, and even among common birds, we can find many varieties. The same is true for Myna birds. Earlier, I shared with you Pied Myna , Common Myna , Bank Myna , and Brahminy Mayna . Now it is time for Jungle Myna. From the name of Jungle Myna, we can conclude that this Myna is found in the Jungle alone; however, it is not true. This Myna is commonly found in the jungle, however, we can find it in good numbers around civilization.  Jungle Myna cooling itself in water Pot I got a chance to do them all this photoshop of Jungle Myna from my village and city homes. Jungle Myna can be seen with common myna looking for food. In a big group, we can find both common myna and Jungle myna. Though Jungle Myna is not as common as the common myna and we don't find them very often. However, with some patience, we can easily find some of Jungle Myna around us.  ------- Support this ...

Brahminy Starling (Myna) Pictures and Detail (A bird with Elongated Feathers)

Brahminy Starling (Myna) Pictures and Detail Brahminy Starling (Myna) Pictures and Detail-  Today, I will be discussing the third Myna, which is called Brahminy Starling or Brahminy Myna. Earlier, I wrote about Bank Myna and Common (Indian) Myna .  Like these Myna, Brahminy Myna can be commonly seen in many places. Like the other Myna, these are also not much shy of humans and they come close to human beings.  The scientific name of Brahminy Myna is Sturnia pagodarum and they belong to the sterling family. Mostly, we see them in pairs or in a group of birds. Brahminy Myna belongs to the Indian Subcontinent and we can find them in countries like India, Nepal, Sri Lanka, and some parts of Pakistan.  ------ Support this Blog and my Bird Photography ------- Brahminy Starling (Myna) Front View Like the Common Myna, they also like to live close to human habitats and we can easily observe them in cities and villages. In winters these birds visit hot...

Bank myna (Acridotheres ginginianus) Picture and Detail

Bank Myna  Bank myna (Acridotheres ginginianus) Picture and Detail  As you go deep into the world of birds, then you witness a great variety of birds. I never thought earlier that so many kinds of Myna live around us. Around the world, we can find two dozen myna. The first myna, I shared with you was Common Myna and now, I am going to share Bank Myna and which is also called Sharak in Punjabi.  Initially, I thought that it is a jungle Myna because of its resemblance to it; however, on closer look, I found that there is a difference in the colour of the bleak skin around its eye. In some studies, I found that It is bank myna. The scientific name of this myna is Acridotheres ginginianus.  Bank Myna  Like the Common Myna, Bank Myna also doesn't fear much from humans and therefore, you get a nice chance to take its pictures. The brick-red colour of its bleak skin around its eyes is the main indicator that it is Bank Myna. Also, there is n...

The Common (Indian) Myna Pictures and Detail (Acridotheres tristis)

Close up Common Myna The Common (Indian) Myna Pictures and Detail (Acridotheres tristis) As the name suggests, this bird is very common in India and it is one of the most invasive birds in the present world. Common Myna is one such bird that makes her presence felt to you by coming very close to humans.  Buy The Canvas Wall Decor Gallery Wrap of Common Myna Now you can get the beautiful famed Poster or Canvas of the Common Myna Picture shown below. The shipping option is available worldwide.  Common Myna Canvas for Wall Buy this Canvas Common Myna Gallery Wrap for Home Decor  (worldwide) A Pair of a Common Myna  In India, we can find this bird in a big number with other species and subspecies of it. Common or Indian Myna is one bird about which a maximum number of people must have knowledge that they exist because they are everywhere and they have best adapted themselves to the urban lifestyle. These birds can be truly said to be the competi...