Asian Koel (Eudynamys scolopaceus) Picture and Detail (Sweet voiced Bird)

Koel, Asian, Sweet Voice
Asian Koel (male)

Asian Koel (Eudynamys scolopaceus) Picture and Detail

It is common to find people who are aware of the sweet voice of Koels because, during the mating season, Koels give very sweet calls "Koo-Ooo". We can easily hear their sweet calls of Koo-ooo-koo-ooo in the morning and evening hours. However, the number of people who have seen it always remains less because the Asian Koel is a very shy bird and it always hides well in dense trees. `

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I am also aware of the sweet voice of Koel from my childhood time; however, I got a chance to see it a few days back only. I followed the voice of Koel and found it on a tree. Thankfully, the tree was not very dense and I got a few pictures of Koel

Asian Koel, Bottom, Koel,
Asian Koel from Bottom 
The scientific name of the Asian Koel is Eudynamys Scolopacieus and it is a bird of the Cuckoo order bird family. This bird is mainly found in Asia and China. Though, Koel is a sweet-voiced bird; however, its nature is somewhat of a cheater. Koel is classified as a Brood Parasite because it lays its eggs in the nest of other birds like crows and other birds take care of Koel eggs till they mature.


The Asian Koel is a bird that can be found in many parts of South and Southeast Asia. The male bird is black with red eyes and makes a distinct sound during mating season. The female bird is brown with white markings. These birds lay their eggs in other birds' nests and let those birds raise their young. Asian Koels are important to the environment because they help spread seeds and keep nature in balance. Due to its sweet voice, we find the reference to Koel in many old literature and poems. The male Koel is black in colour while the female koel is brown in colour with white dots/spots. So far, I have only succeeded in taking pictures of male Koel only and hope to get pictures of female koel soon.

Asian Koel, Male
Asian Koel Male
Asian Koel is a resident bird and it lives near the cultivation area and semi-forests. The main diet of Koel includes fruits, insects, eggs of other birds, and caterpillars, The main Koel has Sanskrit roots and it has come from the Sanskrit name of Kokila.

The main thing about this bird is its sweet voice which makes it widely appreciated and talked about the bird. I wanted to see this bird and finally, I got some of its pictures.

[Update 06/08/2016]I heard a lot about the story of the Asian Koel that it lay its eggs in the crow's nest and through the eggs of the crow. Recently, I got a chance to see it through my eyes. I saw a few crows feeding two Asian koel female juveniles. You can see it in the two pictures below. These pictures are clear show that a clever bird like a House crow can also be fooled.

Crow, feeding, Juvenile, Asian Keol, Female

Crow, feeding, Juvenile, Asian Keol, Female,
A Crow feeding Juvenile Asian Keol (Female) 

With this, I also got a chance to take pictures of a Juvenile Asian Koel female from the close. The male Asian Koel bird is fully black while the female Asian Koel has whitish dots on the wings and white lines on the lower body. These Asian Koel birds are taken care of by the crows as they believe them as their own children. Soon, when these birds will be adults then they will start life as Asian Koels forgetting the life of crows.

Asian Koel, Juvenile, Female
Asian Koel Juvenile (Female) 

Asian Koel Juvenile (Female)

Here are some unique points about the Asian Koel:

Breeding Behavior: Asian Koels lay their eggs in the nests of other bird species and leave the host birds to raise their young. This is called brood parasitism and is a unique reproductive strategy.

Appearance: The male Asian Koel has glossy black feathers striking red eyes and a distinctive call. The female bird has brownish feathers with a white streaked underside.

Ecological Importance: Asian Koels play an important role in seed dispersal and help maintain the ecological balance in their habitats.

Distribution: Asian Koels can be found in many parts of South and Southeast Asia, and are a common sight in urban and suburban areas.

Cultural Significance: Asian Koels are often featured in folklore and poetry, and their calls are considered a harbinger of the monsoon season in some parts of their range.

Asian Koel Juvenile (Female) back


  1. does male crow only sings or the female sings in the same tune. also what is papiha?


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