Brown-headed Barbet Pictures and Detail (A Fatty Green Bird with Brown Top)
Beautiful Brown-headed Barbet Brown-headed Barbet Pictures and Detail [Update 21/03/2015- Today, I got some new pictures of Brown-headed Barbet when I got the chance to spend some time with two of them. At the end of March, we can find most birds in pairs and the same is true for Brown-Headed Barbet . From the morning, I was listening to calls of Brown-Headed Barbets so I followed these calls and got some new pics. This time, it looked that Brown headed Barbet has no objection to my presence and I got some wonderful pics. I wish that this breeding season goes well for the Brown Headed-Barbet and we see a new generation of them. I was trying to get close to these birds for the last three months and today was my lucky day.] Also Check Blue-throated Barbet , Coppersmith Barbet and Great Hill Barbet Brown-Headed Barbet from back One day, I was taking pictures of birds, then I noticed a green bird flew near me. Earlier, t...