Yellow (Gold)-billed Blue Magpie Pictures and Detail (Urocissa flavirostris)

Magpie, Gold-billed Magpie, Yellow-billed Magpie
Yellow (Gold)-billed Magpie

Yellow (Gold)-billed Blue Magpie Pictures and Detail (Urocissa flavirostris)

This bird made me wait and travel lot to take its pictures, though, after following it for three months, I succeeded in getting few of pictures of Yellow or Gold-billed Blue Magpie. First, I got attracted to this because of its noisy calls.

[Update 26/04/15 - During my present visit to my native village in Himachal, a yellow-billed magpie become my friend and he started following me where ever I was going with my camera. I too enjoyed his company and clicked many of his pictures.

Yellow-billed Magpie, Magpie
Pair of Yellow-billed Magpie
This time, I didn't require an alarm clock because the sharp calls of Gold-billed Magpie were enough to wake me up in the morning. They make many types of calls to communicate with each other.]

Between Yellow-billed Magpie, I also found other specie of Magpie i.e. Red-billed Magpie. In the picture below, You can see one of my friends Red-billed Magpie.
Red-billed magpie, Magpie,
Red-billed Magpie
Red-billed magpie, Magpie,
Red-Billed Blue Magpie

Yellow-billed Blue Magpie mostly appears in small groups in the search of food and they create lots of noise. In my native village in Himachal, people do not like Gold-billed Blue Magpie because they eat lots of fruit crops, though, I fell in love with them with just a first glimpse.

Gold-billed magpie, Magpie,
Gold-billed Blue Magpie

Yellow-billed Blue Magpie is a bird of the crow and jay family known as Corvidae. These birds are also called Gold-billed Blue Magpie and their scientific name is Urocissa flavirostris. This bird also has two subspecies. This bird is mainly found in northern parts of the Indian subcontinent in the foothills.

The most beautiful things of Gold-billed Blue Magpie is its long tail which is more than 60% of its total length. Never in my life, I saw such a beautiful long tail of a bird before.

Tail, Beautiful tail, Yellow Billed Blue Magpie
Beautiful tail Yello Billed Blue Magpie

Lower side, Gold Billed Blue Magpie
Lower side of Tail Gold-billed Blue Magpie

The sexes of this bird are alike. They have a black colored neck, breast and head with a small white patch on the upper neck. Their stomach is creamy white and blue wings with white lines.

Gold-billed blue magpie mainly eats insects, eggs of other birds, small mammals, fruits and nuts. These are very active birds and their flights look very beautiful because of their long tail. The mostly remaining in the group; therefore, when you spot a single Yellow-billed Blue Magpie, then you can be assured of a few others around.

Gold-billed Blue Magpie, Back
Gold-billed Blue Magpie from back

The best ways to find these birds is to recognize their loud and noisy calls. Due to these noisy calls, you immediately come to know about their location.

Update 26-4-15 - This time, I fell in love with this bird and his friendliness. It is common to find these birds looking for insects in the fields. I saw a great good nature of caring each other in Yellow-billed Magpie. There looks to be a strong bond between them.]
[Update30/5/15]  To become a friend with Yellow-billed Magpie was one of my best experiences of life. Earlier, I chased this bird for six months to get its pictures with little success, but this time, Gold (Yellow)-billed Magpie totally surprise by coming so close to me and by following me. At some time, he was as near 3 feet from me.

magpie, yellow-billed magpie
Yellow-billed Magpie 
Yellow-billed Magpie is a wonderful and it can become your friend if you try to become friend it. My experience with birds is just surprising me every day. I never thought earlier that birds can be so friendly in nature especially wild ones. Birds only fear from humans, therefore, they run away, but when they become sure that there is not danger, then they can come close to you like Yellow-billed Magpie did with me.]

Magpie, Yellow-billed magpie
Yellow (Gold) Billed Magpie

[01/05/15] Friendly Nature of Magpie Birds- On some research, I found that all magpie species of birds are very friendly in nature and there are many examples, where they love to live with humans or come very close to them. I also noticed that Yellow-billed Magpie recognized me and it recognizes all other people who constantly live around him. They come close to people from whom they don't feel any threat. If anyone we nice to a Yellow (Gold)-billed Magpie, then he can enjoy a good friendship with this bird. When you have a Yellow-billed Magpie as your friend, then they just move around you jumping like a frog. This time, I had a great interaction with Yellow-billed Magpie in wild and the friendly nature of this bird totally surprised me.

Overall, these are great birds which make our environment very attractive. My next aim is to capture of some of pictures of flights of Yellow-billed Blue Magpie.

All Pics by Arvind katoch

Video Presentation of Pictures of Yellow (Gold)-billed Blue Magpie



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