Rose-ringed (Indian) Parakeet (Parrot) Pictures and Detail (Psittacula krameri)

Indian Parrot, Asking for food
An Indian Parrot (Rose-Ringed) asking for food 

Close up, rose ringed, parakeet,

Last Updated - 04/01/2021

Rose-ring (Indian) Parakeet (Parrot) (Psittacula krameri) Pictures and Detail 

Indian Parrot (Parakeet) is something you see very often if you are Indian. Indian Parrot or Rose-ringed Parrot is commonly put in cages and made pets across India. Indian Parrot is the bird that surprised me in my childhood. 

Family, Rose-ringed Parrots,
Family of Rose-ringed Parakeets

When I was 6-7 years old, then in our neighborhood, one family used to have a pet Indian Parrot. The good thing about this parrot was that it was able to speak a few names. As a child, this thing surprised me very much. 

Parakeet, Parrot, Indian, Rose-ringed
Rose Ringed Indian Parrot (Parakeet) 

In India, we can easily see Rose-ringed parakeets around us and even they come to our homes and rooftop when we start feeding birds. The above picture I took in the morning (22/3/2015) when this parrot came near me and searching for food because it is common in our family to feed birds. 

Parakeet, Parrot, Rose-ringed,
Rose-ringed Parrot

Indian parrots are called Rose-ringed because of the red-colored ring around their neck. The green color is my favorite so I like these birds very much. When I was not aware of other birds, then I used to think that these birds are the most beautiful birds in nature. 

Rose, Rose-ringed, parakeet

We are feeding them in open for the last many years because I don't like to put them in cages. We spread few Bajra seeds on our rooftop in the morning and many birds, including rose-ringed parakeet, come there to eat Bajra. 

Parrot, Bajra
Rose-ringed Parrot eating Bajra

Anyone can attract Parrots and other birds to their home by feeding them grains like Bajra. Parrots also do love fruits and then always look for trees with ripe fruits.

Indian Parrots are mostly not loved by farmers and fruit growers because they eat lots of their products and causes them big losses.

Parrots mainly eat fruits, buds, vegetables, berries, seeds, grains, and nuts. Though, Indian Parakeets have also adapted to eat new-age foods like Parrots eating Corn Flakes in the picture below.

Corn Flakes, Parrot,
Indian Parakeets eating Corn flakes

Rose-ring or red ring around neck is not present on young parakeets and it appears as they become adult.

There is a total of 372 species of parrots around the world which is a quite big number and many species have already become extinct. The good news is that Rose-ringed Parakeets are put in the least concern and there is no threat to these birds at present.

Below, You can see the picture of a Slaty-headed Parakeet (Himalayan Parakeet). I took their pictures in Himachal Pradesh. 
Tree, Branch, Parrots, Slaty-headed Parakeet
Two Slaty-headed Himalayan Parrots on same Tree Branch

The world of Parakeet (parrots) is very big and colorful. I love these birds and hope that many of our future generations will keep on seeing them.

It is a very enjoyable experience to capture pictures of these birds in the wildness and fields. In the picture below you can see a parrot in fields looking for food in the crop.

Rose-ringed, Parrot, Fields,
A Rose-ringed Parrot in fields

(Update 04/01/2021) Below, I got a chance to capture new pictures of two parakeet couples who were making their nest in the tree trunk. 

I got a chance to capture the flying pose of the rose-ringed parakeet which I always wanted to take. You can find this picture below. Though, It is not the perfect picture but still a great way to look at their flying activities. 

They first found a small hole in the tree trunk and then made it big by digging it with their beak. In the two pictures below, we can easily see their efforts to make a hole deep enough to accommodate a parakeet. 

Nest, rose-ringed parakeet,

All the efforts to make the hole deep was done by the single parakeet while the other parakeet was seating silent and defending against the attack of other parakeets. 

Rose-ringed parakeet, nest

You can watch the video of Rose-ringed Parakeet making nest in the Tree

In the future, I will add more updates to Rose-ringed Parakeet. 


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