
Showing posts with the label Munia

Indian silver bill (White-throated Munia) Pictures and Detail

 Indian silver bill (White-throated Munia) Pictures and Detail Today, I am going to share pictures and detail of another small bird that can be seen around us in groups. The name of this bird is Indian Silverbill. It is also known as White-throated Munia. The scientific name of this bird is Euodice malabarica. This is the second Munia bird, I am going to present to you. Earlier, I  shared pictures and detail of scaly-breasted munia , a variety of munia birds that we can easily spot around.   I found Silverbill Munia in a group as we mostly find small birds in a group. This munia is believed to be a close relative of the African silverbill. This estrildid finch belongs to the family of seed-eating small birds and we can find many similar-looking small birds in this family. It is common to find small groups of these birds in small grasslands.  This small bird is mainly found in the plain region but we can find them in the lower foothills. They are found in countri...

Scaly-breasted (Spotted) Munia Pictures and Detail (Beautiful Tiny Birds)

Pair of Scaly-breasted (Spotted) Munia Scaly-breasted (Spotted) Munia Pictures and Detail-  I was trying to capture pictures of these tiny birds for many days; however, failed many times because they disappear in a few seconds. After many tries, I got a few pictures of Scaly-breasted Munia also called spotted Munia. The scientific name of this bird is Lonchura punctulata. Scaly-breasted Munia is a popular pet bird and many people capture them in cages which I don't like and admire because I love birds in their free environment. They are also called nutmeg mannikin or spice finch by people who trade them. Spotted Munia are small-sized birds and sometimes, we may miss to notice them. They are native to tropical Asia and can be spotted in many parts. --------- Support this Blog and my Bird Photography --------- Scaly-breasted (Spotted) Muni The amazing thing about this bird is that we can find 11 subspecies of them which are slightly varying in color and size. T...