Indian (House) Crow (Corvus Splendens) Pictures, My Experience with Indian Crows

Indian, House, Crow,
Indian House Crow

Indian (House) Crow (Corvus Splendens) Pictures 

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When you live in India then it is very hard for you to ignore this bird and its name is Indian Crow. Also, read Jungle Crow. It is also called House Crow and its scientific name is Corvus Splendens. These black colored birds are neither beautiful nor they have a sweet voice, but we can find them everywhere.

Indian, House, Crow
Indian House Crow

It is common to hear their voices of Caw-caw when they are around. Most of the time, crows are unwanted visitors when you are feeding other birds. However, still, I love them because they are very clever birds and they help us in cleaning the environment by eating waste.

Indian Crow, Crow, House Crow, Buffalo,
Indian Crow on the Top of a Buffalo

Crows are very confident birds and they are very good at adapting to the new situations; therefore, they can survive in most of the hard conditions. As I am writing this article, a crow is cawing outside my window. The disadvantage of crows is that they are so common that we most often we ignore them.

House Crow, Indian, Crow,
Indian House Crow
The race of crows that we found is the Indian subcontinent has a gray neck collar. The crows are believed to be of Asian origin; however, due to their adaptability talent, we can find them around the world.

We can notice some variation in color and size of crows as per the area e.g. The hills crows are bigger in size and they don't have a gray collar on the neck.

The hills crows are completely black in color and their voice is also slightly harder than common house crows. Mostly, people do not notice such differences in crows as they are mostly unwanted visitors and they are not admired like other birds.

Hilly Crows, Crows, Hills,
Bigger and Dark Black Crows of Hills

In this picture, you can clearly notice the difference between Common house crows and the crows from the Hills.

We can find crows in groups and in isolation also. They can fit any situation. Crows love to invite other crows when they find a good source of food.

Crows are very social in nature and they fight in groups when the enemy is bigger and powerful.

Crows in general love to settle near human habitats because here they find it easy to get food.

I like them and made a few of them my friends. The best way to attract them is to give them food, they love the easy meal and likes to visit a place again and again if they get food there.

Crow, Crow Tail,
Indian Crow from Back

The crows are also notorious for stealing food from humans and other animals; therefore some people don't like them. However, I think it is just the nature of this bird and they do it for food only.

Crow, Action
A Crow in Action
Front, Crow
A Crow

Crows are cleaning agents of nature because they immediately, clean many unwanted things from the earth; otherwise, these things might have created problems if uncleaned.

Crows can eat anything and they are very good at finding the food source. In the picture below, you can see them collecting insects from the Buffalo skin. This is a dual advantage situation for Buffalo and crows because Buffalo gets rid of troubling insects and crows find food.

Crows, Buffalo, Insects,
Crows collecting insects from Buffalo Skin

[Update- 13-09-2016 - I always thought that crows are very smart creatures; however, recently, I observed that Asian Koel is even smarter than them. The Koel lay its eggs in the crow's nest and thus crows take care of Asian Koel juveniles like their own kids. When I first read about this story that I don't believe that it is true. However, recently I saw it through my eyes where I saw crows feeding Koel juveniles. 

Crow, feeding, Juvenile, Asian Keol, Female

Crow, feeding, Juvenile, Asian Keol, Female,
A Crow feeding Juvenile Asian Keol (Female) 
Juvenile, Asian Koel, Female, Feed, House Crow,
Juvenile Asian Koel (Female) Feed by House Crow
Crow, feeding, Juvenile, Asian, Koels,
Crow feeding Juvenile Asian Koels

All Pictures credit Arvind katoch and Arvindkatoch's Photography


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