Birds of Himachal Pradesh India (Commonly Found) with Pictures

List of Birds of Himachal Pradesh with Pictures (Click to Tweet)

Here you can find the list of the Indian Birds which we can find in the Himachal Pradesh state of India. Because of the Himalayan range crossing through Himachal Pradesh, we can find here many birds which are exclusive to the Himalayan region. Himachal is a smaller hilly state of India and the population of it is smaller as compared to other states of India. Therefore, it is an easy task to find many spots untouched by humans to find birds. This is the list of all bird pictures captured by Himachal Pradesh and this list is growing as I get a chance to capture new birds. 

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1) Asian Barred Owlet (Glaucidium cuculoides)- 
Asian Barred Owlet
Asian Barred Owlet
An owlet is small in size as compared to an owl. We can find many varieties of owls and owlets in Himachal Pradesh. Asian Barred owlet is one of them. To know more about it Click Here

2) Asian Paradise Flycatcher (Terpsiphone paradise)- 
Asian Paradise Flycatcher
Asian Paradise Flycatcher

One of the beautiful bird with a long tail and white color. It is quite an extraordinary experience to see male Asian Paradise Flycatcher bird flying. Female birds are brownish at the top and the long tail is missing them. To learn more about Asian Paradise Flycatcher Click Here

3) Barn Swallow (Hirundo Rustica)- 
Barn Swallow
Barn Swallow
Barn Swallow is a very adaptable bird and it uses man-made structures like building to construct its nests. It is common to find this bird in Himachal Pradesh. To Know more about Barn Swallow Click Here

4) Black-throated Tit (Aegithalos concinnus)- 
Black-throated Tit
Black-throated Tit
In Himachal Pradesh, we can find many tit birds and Black-throated tit is one of them. If you want to find this bird then you should search it near bushes. To learn more about it Click Here

5) Blue-fronted Redstart (Phoenicurus frontalis)- 
Blue-fronted Redtart
Blue-fronted Redstart
We can find many redstart birds in Himachal Pradesh and Blue-fronted Redstart is one of them. Redstart birds are very curious birds and may come close to you to learn more about you. We can find this bird around empty fields. To know more about Blue-fronted Redstart Click Here

6) Blue-throated Barbet (Megalaima Asiatica)- 
Blue-throated Barbet
This colorful bird can be easily tracked by the constant sound it makes. It is common in most of Barbet birds to make constant sounds, especially during the mating season. This barbet is a resident Himalayan bird so we find it here in Himachal. To know more about Blue-throated Barbet Click Here

7) Blue Whistling Thrush (Myophonus caeruleus)-
Blue Whistling Thrush
Blue Whistling Thrush
Blue Whistling Thrush is another bird that can be easily spotted in Himachal Pradesh. From faraway they look like a crow; however, when you notice the white dots on their body then it becomes clear that they are not crows. To know more about them Click Here

8) Cattle Egrets (Bubulcus ibis)- 
Cattle Egret
Cattle Egret
Cattle egret are common bird colored birds which we can see around wetlands or in wet fields. They can also be seen following cattle. They move upstream or to heights during the summer season. To Know more about Cattle Egret Click Here

9) Chestnut-crowned Laughingthrush

There very little knowledge about these birds and they are shy in nature. We can find them mostly in groups. One can spot these birds in Himachal Pradesh if one concentrates on bushes and forests. To know more about them Click Here

10) Cinereous Tit (Parus Cinereus)- 
Cinereous Tit
Cinereous Tit
I have already mentioned that Himachal Pradesh is a great place to Tit birds and Cinereous Tit is one of them. This tiny bird can be easily spotted by following its sweet sound. To know more about it Click Here

11) Crimson Sunbird (Aethopyga siparaja)-
Crimson Sunbird
Crimson Sunbird 
The crimson sunbird is a beautiful and colorful sunbird found in Himachal Pradesh. It slightly a difficult task to capture the pictures of a sunbird because first, they are very small in size and second, they don't stay at a single place for a long time. To know more about Crimson Sunbird Click Here

12) Great Barbet (Megalaima virens)- 
Great Barbet
Great Barbet
Great Barbet is another barbet that can be easily spotted in Himachal Pradesh. This barbet creates a lot of noise that can be heard from a long distance. To know more about it Click Here

13) Great Tit (Parus major)- 
Great Tit
Great Tit
I have already mentioned earlier that Himachal is a good place to find Tit birds. Similarly, Great Tit is another tit that can be spotted in Himachal Pradesh. This colorful singing bird and often a delight to watch. To know more about Great Tit Click Here

14) Grey Himalayan Treepie  (Dendrocitta formosae) -
Grey Himalayan Treepie
Grey Himalayan Treepie
 Grey Treepie is a Himalayan bird, therefore, we can easily spot this bird at different places in Himachal Pradesh. Mostly, Grey Treepie is found in groups. All other treepie birds, Grey Treepie also has a long tail. To know more about Grey Treepie Click Here

15) Grey-hooded Warbler (Phylloscopus Xanthoschistos)-
Grey-hooded Warbler
Grey-hooded Warbler
the Grey-hooded warbler can be easily spotted in their habitats, thus they don't come under threatened birds; however, constant destruction to their habitats is a cause of concern. We can find them across the Himalayan region. To know more about this bird Click Here

16) Himalayan Black-lored Tit (Parus xanthogenys)-
Himalayan Black-lored Tit
Himalayan Black-lored Tit
Himalayan Black-lored Tit is another Tit bird found in Himachal Pradesh. I encountered this bird many times earlier in the morning. As it is a Himalayan Bird so we can easily find it in Himachal. To know more about it Click Here

17) Grey Bush Chat (Saxicola ferreus)- 
Grey Bush Chat
Grey Bush Chat

Grey Bush Chat is a Himalayan Chat and we find it in parts of the world from where Himalayan range crosses. One can find Grey Bush Chat in the middle or higher reaches of the Himachal Pradesh. To learn more Click Here

18) Himalayan Bulbul (Pycnonotus leucogenys)-
Himalayan Bulbul
Himalayan Bulbul
As the name suggests, it is a bird of the Himalayan region. We can easily spot a Himalayan Bulbul in Himachal Pradesh because of their good population in Himachal. It is the first bird whose picture I took in Himachal Pradesh. To learn more about it Click Here

19) Hoopoe Hudhud (Upupa epops)-
Hoopoe (Hudhud)
Hoopoe (Hudhud)
Hoopoe (Hudhud) is another bird that has a quite big range and it can be easily spotted in Himachal Pradesh. It is known as a bird with a crown because of the formation of the crown over its head. To learn more about Hoopoe Click Here

20) House Sparrow (Passer domesticus)- 
They are the most loyal friends of humans and always love to remain around humans. Today, these tiny birds have disappeared from big cities of India; however, we can easily spot them in many rural areas of the Himachal Pradesh. To learn about House Sparrow Click Here

21) Indian (Blue) Peafowl

Peafowl is another bird that can be easily spotted in the many parts of Himachal Pradesh. Mostly, we can see them from plains to the middle hills of Himachal Pradesh. To learn more about the Peafowl Click Here

22) Orange-headed Thrush (Geokichla citrine)-
Orange-headed Thrush
Orange-headed Thrush
It is a very sweet-voiced small bird and we can track it by following its sweet sound. We can spot the Himalayan subspecies of this bird in Himachal Pradesh. To learn more about it Click Here

23) Oriental Magpie Robin (Copsychus saularis)- 

Oriental Magpie Robin
Oriental Magpie Robin
Oriental Magpie Robin is also a bird that has a quite big range. We can easily spot this bird in Himachal Pradesh too. It is very common in plains and lower reaches of Himachal. To learn more about Oriental Magpie Robin Click Here

24) Oriental White Eye (Zosterops palpebrosus)-

This tiny white bird can be seen at many places in India including Himachal Pradesh. Oriental White eye birds can be easily seen in the plain and up to lower height in Himachal. To learn more about this bird Click Here

25) Plum-headed Parakeet (Psittacula cyanocephala)-
Plum-headed Parakeet
Plum-headed Parakeet
Plum-headed Parakeet is another Parakeet that we can easily spot in Himachal Pradesh because they are found in foothills of Himalayas. It is quite easy to spot their group around in Himachal Pradesh. To learn more about Plum-headed Parakeet Click Here

26) Red-vented Bulbul (Pycnonotus Cafer)-

Red-vented Bulbul is another bird that we can spot in Himachal Pradesh. This bird can be spotted in the lower and middle reaches of the Himachal Pradesh. To know more about Red-vented Bulbul Click Here

27) Rock Dove (Pigeon) -  (Columba livia)
Rock dove, Pigeon
Pigeon are common birds for most of India and they can also be seen in Himachal too. These birds have learned to adapt to different parts of the world; therefore, we can see them in most parts of the world. To know more about Rock Dove Click Here

28) Russet Sparrow- (Passer rutilans)
Russet Sparrow
Russet Sparrow
Russet Sparrow is a variety of sparrow birds that we can easily spot in Himachal Pradesh. Russet Sparrows can also be seen in combined groups with other sparrows like House Sparrow. To know more about Russet Sparrow Click Here

29) Slaty-headed Parakeet- (Psittacula himalayana)
Slaty-headed Parakeet
Slaty-headed Parakeet
It is quite common to see groups of Slaty-headed Parakeet attacking the ripe fruits or crops in Himachal Pradesh. These Parrots are also called Himalayan Parrots because they are found in this region only. To Know more about Slaty-headed Parakeet Click Here

30) Spotted Dove- (Spilopelia Chinensis)
Spotted dove
Spotted Dove

Spotted Dove is another bird that we can easily spot in Himachal Pradesh. This bird belongs to the family of doves. These doves are quite friendly in nature and often come close to humans. To Know more about Spotted Dove Click Here

31) White Capped Redstart (Chaimarrornis leucocephalus)-

White Capped Redstart
White Capped Redstart

White-capped Redstart is another bird that I found in Himachal Pradesh. This redstart is found in between the heights of 1500 to 6000 meters. To learn more about it Click Here

32) Yellow (Gold) and Red-billed Magpie (Urocissa flavirostris)-

Yellow Billed Magpie
Yellow-Billed Magpie

Red Billed Magpie
Red-Billed Magpie
Both Yellow-billed and Red-billed magpies are found in Himachal Pradesh. The main difference between these birds is the color of their bills and feet. It is common to find these birds alone or in groups. To know more about these birds Click Here


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