Rock Dove (Pigeon) Pictures and Detail (Columba livia) (The Piegon we find around)

Rock Dove, Dove, Pigeon,
Rock Dove 

Rock Dove (Pigeon) Pictures and Detail (Columba livia)

Today, I am going to cover second Dove i.e. Rock Dove also popularly known as Rock Pigeon or simply Pigeon. The first dove, I covered on this blog was Laughing Dove, which we mostly see together with Rock Pigeons. 

Rock Pigeons are very common birds because they are very good in adapting to different geographic conditions.   Rock Doves belong to the bird group of Columbidae (the group to which all doves and Pigeons belong). There are total of 310 birds in this group. 

Pigeons, Grains,
Pigeons eating Grains 

We are feeding Pigeons from last 15 years, therefore, I am seeing them closely and can easily notice them with the sound they make. It is also common to see Pigeons in captivity and many people breed them. The relationship of humans and Pigeons is very old (10,000 years old) and before, the postal system, these birds were used to send essential mails or letters.

Rock, Pigeon
Rock Pigeon

Rock Pigeons are basically wild birds, however, with time they have adapted very well to the urban environment. Pigeons associate high rise buildings to rocks and use them to make their nests or for resting. We can find 12 subspecies of Pigeons worldwide with variation in color and size.

Rock, Pigeon
Rock Pigeon
Rock Pigeon male and female are identical; though, female pigeon has a less intense neck. In these pictures, you can notice great dark orange color eyes of Pigeons; though some subspecies of Pigeon do have white-grey eyes. Mostly Pigeons feed on grains, fruits and vegetations.
Rock Pigeon in Wild
Rock Pigeon in Wild 
Rock Pigeons or Pigeons are the most documented and studies bird and we know much more about this bird as compared to other birds. Pigeons can give eggs at any time of year; but they prefer summer and spring. We mostly see Pigeons in groups and some places we can find hundreds of them together.


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