Plum-headed Parakeet Pictures and Detail (Psittacula cyanocephala) Very Friendly Parrots

Plum-headed Parakeet, Parrot,
Plum-headed Parakeet Pair

Plum-headed Parakeet Pictures and Detail (Psittacula cyanocephala)

Plum-headed Parakeet are third parakeets after Rose-ringed Parakeet (Indian Parrot)  and Slaty-headed Parakeet (Himalayan Parrot) which I am going to share with you. Recently, I discovered that a parrot was trying to get my attention. At first look, I thought that it may be a slaty-headed parakeet; however, on closer inspection, I noticed that this parrot has a pinkish head.

On some search, I found that it is a Plum-headed Parakeet which is mostly found from the foothills of Himalaya to Srilanka. In Plum-headed Parakeet, the male Parakeet has a pinkish head while female parakeet has a gray head. 

Plum-headed Parakeet
These Parakeets are very good in flying and they can make quick twists and turns. The male Plum-headed Parakeets are bigger in size and are more colorful than female Plum-headed parakeets.
Plum-headed Parakeet, Parakeet,
Plum-headed parakeet

The Plum-headed Parakeet has a red head with shades of Purple and blue while female plum-headed parakeet has a blueish-gray head. Like the rose ringed parrots, we can find a thin black collar on male plum-headed parakeet which is missing in female parakeets while we can see a light yellow collar in female plum-headed parakeets. We can also notice a small red patch on the wings of male Plum-headed Parakeet and this is the best way to recognize them. Their tail is blue in color and it is around 22 cm long.
Love making Plum-headed Prakeet

Plum-headed parakeets are found in most of India, Bangladesh, Pakistan and Sri Lanka except the dry places. We can find these birds in forests, woodlands and sometimes, we may find them near urban areas. These parakeets may show some movement in the search of fruits and blossoms. Like the other parakeets, they also eat grains, seeds, fruits, berries, flower petals.
Plum-headed parakeet
Plum-headed Parakeet
These parakeets are very friendly in nature; therefore, many people keep them as pets. Due to decreasing natural habits, the numbers of these birds are decreasing; though, they are still not under the list of threatened birds. These parakeets are mostly found in flocks or groups, however, during mating season, we can find them in pairs.
Plum-headed parakeet
Pair of Plum-headed prakeet

Plum-headed Parakeets are capable of talking when trained; however, some of them may not learn to talk. If they become successful in talking then we can hear a clear and loud sound.

I found Plum-headed Parakeets very interesting and hope to take their more pictures in future. 


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