Grey Wagtail Picture and Detail (Motacilla cinerea)

Greay Wagtail, Wagtail,
Grey Wagtail 

Grey Wagtail Picture and Detail (Motacilla cinerea)

We can find many wagtail birds around us and Grey Wagtail is also one them which we sometimes see around. Recently, I became confused between a Grey Wagtail and Grey-headed Yellow Wagtail, Though after reading lots about these birds, I succeeded in identifying them. Anyone can easily confuse Grey Wagtail and Grey-headed Yellow Wagtail because of many similarities between them.

The main difference which we can find in them is a black colored throat in Grey Wagtail while Grey-headed wagtail has a yellow-whitish throat. The other method to identify the Grey Wagtail is to notice the white line crossing just above the eye, which is missing in Grey-headed Yellow Wagtail. 

Grey Wagtail is a small bird of the wagtail bird family (a family of birds which has habit of wagging their tail). The scientific name of this bird is Motacilla cinerea. This bird is found in Europe, Asia and Africa. They do migrate to a different location for breeding. 
Grey Wagtail
Grey Wagtail
Grey Wagtail also shows characteristics like other wagtails and it is commonly found around marshy areas looking for insects. This wagtail is very slim in size. The scientists are still confused about the wagtail birds and we lack complete information about wagtails.

These birds can be seen alone or in pairs and their breeding season is between April to July. Grey Wagtail make their nests near rivers, flowing water or a marshy area between the stones or between the roots. They give 2-5 eggs.

This time, I only got a chance to take just two good pictures of Grey Wagtail and I hope to get more its pictures soon. I will try to learn more about Grey Wagtail so that we can understand his life better.


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