Great Barbet (Megalaima virens) Pictures and Detail (Barbet with Loud Calls)

Great Barbet,
Great Barbet 

Great Barbet (Megalaima virens) Pictures and Detail

Today, I will introduce you to the third Barbet with whom I met a few days back. First, I introduced you to the Brown-headed Barbet and then to Blue-throated Barbet (Coppersmith Barbet New) Now, it is time to meet the Great Barbet or Great Hill Barbet with whom I met near Baijnath Town in Himachal Pradesh. In my village, it is very common to hear the loud noise of great barbet, though, we sometimes also hear the voice of blue-throated barbet too. They sometimes come very near to the trees near my home in Himachal. Many times, I have seen them in groups too. 

Great Barbet, in Trees

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I found its location through his sharp calls which you can listen to from a distance. Great Barbet is an Asian Barbet and it is the biggest among all Barbets. Like the other barbets, it is also a plump bird with a short neck, big head, and a short tail.

Great Barbet

Great Barbet can be easily seen sitting on the top of a tree and making constant loud calls. Their calls are so constant that they become an integral part of the surrounding.

Great Barbet, Barbet,
Great Barbet
Great Hill Barbet mainly eats insects and fruits like the other barbets. This bird is mainly found in the lower and middle ranges of the Himalayas and their range is from Pakistan to Laos and they are resident (non-migratory) birds.

Great Hill Barbet, Barbet,
Great Hill Barbet

We also found some subspecies of Great Barbets depending on the geographical locations. The size of this bird is 32-33 cm and weigh around 200-220 g.
Great Barbet
Great Barbet
Great Barbet,

Great Hill Barbet has a blue head, brown neck, and red vent. The rest of the body is green in color. Like the other barbets, it also has a large yellow bill. Both male and female Great Barbets look similar.

Beautiful Great Barbet
Beautiful Great Barbet
They make their nests in the tree cavities or holes. The male adult Great Barbet makes loud calls of Pio-pio-pio-pio which you can hear from a long distance.


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