Black-Winged Stilt Pictures and Detail (A Bird with Narrow and Tall legs)

Black-Winged Stilt, Pictures, ,Detail,

Black-Winged Stilt Pictures and Detail

Today, I will talk about a bird with tall and narrow legs. Recently, I found a bird which was moving very slowly through bushes and searching for insects in the water. So, I decided to take its pictures and zoomed my lens on it. First, I thought that this bird may be related to Red-wattled Lapwing; however, on close inspection, I found that the legs of this birds are much narrow and taller than the Red-wattled Lapwing. With some efforts, I got some of its pictures and later found that the name of the bird is Black-winged Stilt. 

Black-winged Stilt is a member of the Stilt family and we can find them in a wide range. They are also known by the names of Common Stilt and Pied Stilt. Their scientific name is Himantopus himantopus. We can 5 to 7 subspecies of these birds. Black-winged Stilt is mainly found in Europe and most parts of Asia. I found these birds very quiet in nature and they mostly move alone except in mating season.

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They can grow up to 33 to 36 cm long. They can be seen around water bodies, ponds, shallow lakes, and marshes. Some of the species of these birds are migratory in nature and they move towards warmer places in winters. Their main food is insects and crustaceans; we can often see them looking for food when they are around. 

Black-winged Stilt makes their nests on the ground like other long-legged birds like Red-wattled Lapwing. Their eyes are red in color with a black dot. These birds are very good at making balance on a single leg and therefore, can be seen standing on a single leg. 

Both male and female Black-winged Stilt look similar; though, male birds have a darker black patch on the head. The immature birds have grey color instead of black color on the wings. 

To spot Black-winged Stilts, we need to visit shallow water bodies because they come to find food and also make nests around these areas. Black-winged Stilt is a beautiful bird and I will try to bring more pictures of it in the near future. 


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