Indian (Blue) Peafowl (Peacock) Pictures and Detail (The most beautiful big Bird I ever saw)
Peacock and Its Feathers Indian Blue Peacock Indian (Blue) Peafowl Peacock Pictures and Detail ( Click to Tweet ) I spent the last few days in the search of Peacocks in Kandi Forest of Punjab near Ropar Town. I got the chance to see two dozen of these birds in this forest; however, they disappear in a few seconds so I got only a few pictures of peafowl. Download our app Beautiful Indian Birds Peahen Peahens The ears of Peacock are so sharp that they are able to hear the click of a camera from a distance. The best thing about Peacocks is their beautiful voice which makes you stress-free. ------ Support this Blog and my Bird Photography ----- [Update 14-4-2015 The other interesting thing about Peacock is to see it with a full spread of feathers. When they do so, then they look like dancing in heavenly love. Fortunately, I also got a chance to capture the dance of Peacock with a full spread of its wings. In the three pictures below, you can see ...