About Indian Birds Photography and List of Birds Covered

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List of Birds Covered on the Blog (so far) Adding New Birds Daily

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I want to dedicate this blog to the amazing world of Indian Birds. Before starting the bird photography, I had no idea that so many varieties of Indian birds are present. As I explore more through, my photography, I come to learn about many new things about birds. My Photography Journey of Birds will never end and I will like to cover all Indian birds if possible.

From small birds like warbler birds to big migratory birds, we can find huge variations in Indian birds. One of the biggest difficulties faced by all initial bird photographers is that they fail to identify birds rightly. With this blog, I want to provide the right information to all and also want to show the beauty of birds through my photographs of birds.

I hope that you will like this blog.

Arvind Katoch
About Me- My name is Arvind Katoch and I love to take pictures of birds. As I love photography so I go everywhere with my camera.

Birds- Many beautiful birds silently live around us; however, mostly we don't notice them.

But when we open our eyes to our surroundings, then we find many interesting friends in the form of birds. They are the best creatures of god and they are very useful for our environment. However, with the constant cutting of trees, the population of birds is decreasing fast.

Birds and Trees are directly related to each other. When we have more trees, then we provide a safe place for birds for shelter and food.

From the birds, we can learn so many important things like social harmony, teamwork, hard work, and live in an environment-friendly way.

My aim in creating this blog is to create awareness about the birds and show their beautiful life to the world.

Anyone can contact me at indianbirds@arvindkatoch.com for more information or contact me at 9463245767 (WhatsApp)

To Check my Complete Photography, you can visit- http://photography.arvindkatoch.com/


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