
Showing posts with the label Dove

Eurasian Collared-Dove or Collared Dove (Streptopelia decapcto) Pictures and Detail

Eurosian Collared Dove or Collared Dove (Streptopelia decapcto) Pictures and Detail ( Click to Tweet ) Today, I will talk about another dove species i.e. Eurasian Collared dove or popularly known as a collared dove. Earlier, I covered three dove species on this blog and they were Laughing Dove , Rock Dove and Spotted Dove . A collared dove is also a common form of a dove and it has spread to the many parts of the world.  The scientific name of this dove is Streptopelia decapcto and it is a native bird to Europe and Asia; however, it has been introduced to the American continent too. Because of their good population, these birds are put under the category of least concerned birds.  ------- Support this Blog and my Bird Photography -------- They also have similar eating habits as that of other dove birds like grains, fruits, small insects, etc. I spotted a pair of Eurasian collared doves and found them mostly together which shows their strong relationshi...

Spotted Dove (Spilopelia Chinensis) Pictures and Detail (Also called Mountain or Pearl necked or Lace Necked Dove)

Spotted Dove Spotted Dove (Spilopelia Chinensis) Pictures and Detail  We can find many doves around us and some of these doves are very common while others we rarely see. Earlier, I shared with you Laughing Dove (or Palm dove)  and Rock dove (or Pigeon) which we commonly found around us. Today, I am going to share with you another dove or Pigeon, Spotted Dove, with whom I met in Himchal Pradesh.  I noticed that a pair of doves is commonly coming to our home and nearby fields. I took my camera and captured some of its pictures. By studying it, I found that it is a long tail pigeon (dove) and it is called Spotted Dove. Its scientific name is Spilopelia Chinensis). It is also called Mountain or Pearl necked or Lace Necked Dove. Spotted Dove With some efforts, these birds become my friend and they started coming close to me and I took some of their nice pictures. These are native birds of Asia and we can easily spot them in India. Spotted doves h...

Rock Dove (Pigeon) Pictures and Detail (Columba livia) (The Piegon we find around)

Rock Dove  Rock Dove (Pigeon) Pictures and Detail (Columba livia ) Today, I am going to cover second Dove i.e. Rock Dove also popularly known as Rock Pigeon or simply Pigeon . The first dove, I covered on this blog was Laughing Dove , which we mostly see together with Rock Pigeons.  Rock Pigeons are very common birds because they are very good in adapting to different geographic conditions.   Rock Doves belong to the bird group of Columbidae (the group to which all doves and Pigeons belong). There are total of 310 birds in this group.  Pigeons eating Grains  We are feeding Pigeons from last 15 years, therefore, I am seeing them closely and can easily notice them with the sound they make. It is also common to see Pigeons in captivity and many people breed them. The relationship of humans and Pigeons is very old ( 10,000 years old) and before, the postal system, these birds were used to send essential mails or letters. Rock Pigeo...

Laughing Dove or Palm dove and Senegal dove (Spilopelia senegalensis) Pictures and Detail

Laughing Dove Laughing Dove (Spilopelia senegalensis ) Pictures and Detail  I am seeing Laughing Doves from my Childhood. They have always lived around me and it is common to find a single laughing dove or a pair of them. Unlike Pigeons, they don't move in big groups. When we spread grains on the roof for Piegon, then one or two laughing doves also come to eat the grains. Laughing Dove is a small pigeon and it is found in Africa, the Middle East, and the Indian Subcontinent. The scientific name of  Laughing dove is Spilopelia senegalensis and it is also known by names of Palm dove and Senegal dove . In these birds, we can notice a black colored necklace with embedded Rofous beats on it. Laughing Dove from Back The laughing doves are very silent and peaceful birds. Mostly big pigeons try to move them away so that they can't eat grains. I have never noticed them retaliating. This is a common bird and we can notice it with some search. It is common...