
Showing posts with the label Tip

Bird Photography Tip 3- Are you using the right DSLR camera lens?

DSLR 70-300mm Lens Bird Photography Tip 3- Are you using the right DSLR camera lens? When you do photography with DSLR camera then it becomes very important to use the right camera lens. If we don't choose the right lens, then we will not get good pictures.  In Bird Photography, you also need to choose your lenses well; otherwise you will miss many good opportunities.  For bird photography, we need to use Telephotolenes because it is not easy to go very near to birds and we need to take their pictures without disturbing them.  The two Telephoto lenses, I recommend for Bird Photography are 70-300 mm lens and 150-600 mm lens.   For new bird photographers, they should start with 70-300 mm lens. These lenses are available in market from companies like NIkon, Sony, Tamron, Sigma etc in the price range of Rs 10000 to 35000 depending on the brand and features.  We can catch many good moments with 70-300 mm lens and it is one of essenti...

Bird Photography needs a hell lot of Patience (Bird Photography Tip 1)

Bird Photography Tip 1    Patience  Being a Bird Photographer is not easy because birds are basically very shy and fearful in nature. As you try to go near them soon they fly away. This happens very often and sometimes, you become frustrated. Birds are very sensitive to your any noise or movement; therefore, they immediately notice any of your actions. However, if you remain patience with them, then sometimes they surprise you by giving the perfect shots. The more I indulge in Bird Photography more I found it interesting and worth spending my time. If you ask how much time, then even days are not enough. Patience in Bird Photography You need to just try again and again till you become lucky with an excellent shot. A Bird Photographer comes back empty handed many times; therefore, you need to keep in mind that you need a hell lot of patience to become a good Bird Photographer . It is much easier to take pictures of birds when they are caged; however, I ...