The Verditer Flycatcher (Eumyias Thalassinus) Pictures and Detail

The Verditer Flycatcher (Eumyias Thalassinus)
The Verditer Flycatcher (Eumyias Thalassinus)

The Verditer Flycatcher (Eumyias Thalassinus) Pictures and Detail 

Verditer Flycatcher is the second Flycatcher bird that I am going to share with you. Earlier, I shared with you a beautiful white colored flycatcher bird Asian Paradise Flycatcher. Now, it is the turn of the second flycatcher bird i.e. Verfiter Flycatcher. I found both these flycatcher birds at the same place village Mandher, near Baijnath, Himachal Pradesh. 

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The scientific name of this bird is Eumyias thalassinus. Verditer flycatcher can be identified by the blue color of its body and a black patch around its eyes. It is an old-world flycatcher bird and found from the Himalayan region to Indonesia. The male Verditer flycatcher birds are blue colored all over the body while female birds are lighter blue in color. As their name suggests, these birds catch flies and other flying insects to eat. 

The Verditer Flycatcher

I found this bird on a tree silently looking for its prey. Verditer Flycatcher birds are found in good number in the nature so they are put in the category of least concerned birds. They can be spotted around fields, forest edges, and hills. In India, we can find them all over India. The size of these birds is between 15-17 cm and weigh from 16-20 gm. Still, many things are not known about it. 

Category - Birds of Himachal Pradesh


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