Asian Koel (Eudynamys scolopaceus) Picture and Detail (Sweet voiced Bird)
Asian Koel (male) Asian Koel (Eudynamys scolopaceus) Picture and Detail It is common to find people who are aware of the sweet voice of Koels because, during the mating season, Koels give very sweet calls " Koo -Ooo". We can easily hear their sweet calls of Koo-ooo- koo -ooo in the morning and evening hours. However, the number of people who have seen it always remains less because the Asian Koel is a very shy bird and it always hides well in dense trees. ` ------ Support this Blog and my Bird Photography ------- I am also aware of the sweet voice of Koel from my childhood time; however, I got a chance to see it a few days back only. I followed the voice of Koel and found it on a tree. Thankfully, the tree was not very dense and I got a few pictures of Koel . Asian Koel from Bottom The scientific name of the Asian Koel is Eudynamys Scolopacieus and it is a bird of the Cuckoo order bird family. This bird is mainly found in Asi...