Laughing Dove or Palm dove and Senegal dove (Spilopelia senegalensis) Pictures and Detail

Laughing Dove, Dove,
Laughing Dove

Laughing Dove (Spilopelia senegalensis) Pictures and Detail 

I am seeing Laughing Doves from my Childhood. They have always lived around me and it is common to find a single laughing dove or a pair of them. Unlike Pigeons, they don't move in big groups. When we spread grains on the roof for Piegon, then one or two laughing doves also come to eat the grains.

dove, laughing, palm dove,

Laughing Dove is a small pigeon and it is found in Africa, the Middle East, and the Indian Subcontinent. The scientific name of Laughing dove is Spilopelia senegalensis and it is also known by names of Palm dove and Senegal dove. In these birds, we can notice a black colored necklace with embedded Rofous beats on it.

Laughing Dove, Back,
Laughing Dove from Back
The laughing doves are very silent and peaceful birds. Mostly big pigeons try to move them away so that they can't eat grains. I have never noticed them retaliating. This is a common bird and we can notice it with some search. It is common to find them near the group of pigeons.

Laughing Dove, Front,
Laughing Dove Front
The tail of these birds is quite long as compared to other pigeons. Laughing Dove has a Pinkish brown color on the bottom and lilac around the head. Their wings are brownish with grey color at the end. These are resident birds; though, some of its species may make long movements.

laughing Dove
Laughing Dove on Tree
We also find some subspecies of these birds. They show flying characters of Piegon family-like sharp turns. Laughing Dove mainly eats seeds, grains, small fruits, vegetation, and some insects. When you follow Laughing Doves, then you can hear their calls (krroooo, okrroooo or coo, coo)

Below in the pictures, you can see two Laughing Dove finding insects together. Both sexes of Laughing dove are the same, though, females are slighting paler than males. We can easily find Laughing Doves in woodland, farmland, suburban parks, plantations, and gardens.
Laughing Dove,
Pair of Laughing Dove

pair, Laughing dove,
Pair of Laughing Dove
Laughing dove is a wonderful bird, I had a great experience with them. In the future, I will try to get more of their pictures to show more colors in their life. 


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