
Showing posts with the label Tiny Bird

Grey Bush Chat (Saxicola ferreus) Pictures and Detail - A Bird who loves to be photographed

Grey Bush Chat (Saxicola ferreus) Male Grey Bush Chat (Saxicola ferreus) Pictures and Detail ( Click to Tweet ) Chat Birds are very interactive birds and they don't fear you much. Like the Brown Rock Chat which I covered earlier on this blog, Grey Bush Chat is also a very friendly bird and doesn't fear coming close to you. Brown Rock Chat is found in lower parts of India while Grey Bush Chat is a Himalayan Bird and I found it in Himachal Pradesh near Baijnath. Buy Grey Bush Chat Kiss-cut Stickers -  Grey Bush Chat Sticker Transparent Grey Bush Chat White background Sticker You have two options for buying the stickers of Grey Bush Chat, Transparent or white background. Grey Bush Chat Stickers are available in sizes of 2 x 2, 3 x 3, 4 x 4 and 6 x 6 inches.  Click to Buy Grey Bush Chat Stickers The scientific name of Grey Bush Chat is Saxicola Ferreus and they belong to the Muscicapidae family. It is found mainly in the Himalayan region including countries like...

Oriental Magpie Robin (Copsychus saularis) Pictures and Detail

Oriental Magpie Robin Female  Oriental Magpie Robin (Copsychus Saularis) Pictures and Detail  ( Click to Tweet )  There are many small birds which you encounter as a bird photographer and one of such bird is Oriental Magpie Robin which is much smaller than other Magpie birds covered on this blog i.e. Yellow-billed magpie and Red-billed magpie .  Oriental Magpie Robin Male Like the big magpie, this small magpie is also very friendly and can be easily spotted. Spotting an Oriental Magpie Robin is not a hard thing; however, it is hard to find two or more of them at a single place may be due to territorial disputes. It comes in the category of songbirds because of the strong sounds created by them.  ------- Support this Blog and my Bird Photography -------- It is very common to find Oriental Magpie Robin from city gardens to forests. Because of their dark color and their interactive nature, it is much easier to spot them. Oriental Magpie Robin ...

The Grey-hooded warbler (Phylloscopus xanthoschistos) Picture and Detail

The Grey-hooded warbler Detail and Pictures- Some times, it is quite amazing to see small birds jumping here and there to get their food. We can easily spot these tiny birds through their habit of constantly moving. Today, I will share with you my experience with the tiny bird Grey-hooded warbler.  Earlier, I introduced you to another sweet-voiced warbler bird Common Tailorbird . Unlike the common tailorbird, Grey-hooded warbler is a Himalayan bird and we can see it in the middle or higher reaches of the Himalaya.  Grey-hooded warbler belongs to the leaf warbler family and their scientific name is Phylloscopus Xanthoschistos. Their size is comparable to common tailor birds and they weigh around 6 to 10 grams. Like the common tailorbird, they too make sweet and pleasing sounds.  ------- Support this Blog and my Bird Photography ----------- So far, the Grey-hooded warbler can be easily spotted in their habitats, thus they don't come under threatened bir...

Scaly-breasted (Spotted) Munia Pictures and Detail (Beautiful Tiny Birds)

Pair of Scaly-breasted (Spotted) Munia Scaly-breasted (Spotted) Munia Pictures and Detail-  I was trying to capture pictures of these tiny birds for many days; however, failed many times because they disappear in a few seconds. After many tries, I got a few pictures of Scaly-breasted Munia also called spotted Munia. The scientific name of this bird is Lonchura punctulata. Scaly-breasted Munia is a popular pet bird and many people capture them in cages which I don't like and admire because I love birds in their free environment. They are also called nutmeg mannikin or spice finch by people who trade them. Spotted Munia are small-sized birds and sometimes, we may miss to notice them. They are native to tropical Asia and can be spotted in many parts. --------- Support this Blog and my Bird Photography --------- Scaly-breasted (Spotted) Muni The amazing thing about this bird is that we can find 11 subspecies of them which are slightly varying in color and size. T...

Purple Sunbird Pictures and Detail (Cinnyris asiaticus) Male/Female both Pictures

Beautiful Purple Sunbird Purple Sunbird Female Purple Sunbird Pictures and Detail (Cinnyris asiaticus) The first Sunbird which I captured through my camera was Crimson Sunbird  in the hills of Himachal Pradesh.   Purple Sunbird is second Sunbird and this time, I have pictures of both male and female Purple Sunbird.  Purple Sunbird Male Making Calls You can see in the picture, Male Purple Sunbird is Purple in color while female Purple Sunbird has olive and yellow color. Like the Crimson Sunbird, these Sunbird mainly feed on nectar and insects.  Purple Sunbird on a Branch of Tree The biggest difficulty you get while taking pictures of Sunbird is their very small size and their constant moments. We mostly don't notice these birds because of their small size. The unique point of Purple Sunbird is their fast and direct flights and due to this, they can become out of sight anytime. Female Purple Sunbird The scientific nam...

The Cinereous Tit Pictures and Detail (Parus Cinereus) Tiny Bird and Sweet Voice

The Cinereous Tit  (Parus Cinereus)   I love Cinereous Tit because of its sweet voice. It is common to find it moving here and there while singing sweet songs. Many times, I wake in the morning while listening to sweet calls of Cinereous Tit because few Cinereour tits live around me and they sing in the morning. Cinereous Tit is a small tiny bird of black and white colors only; however, its voice is very sweet.  Download Our App to Learn about Indian Birds Cinereous Tit on Tree Branch It is hard to capture pics of these birds because they are shy in nature and second, they move very fast from one place to another. It took me around six months to get a few of their pics. We can find Cinereous Tit in most parts of India and South Asia. The picture below of Cinereous Tit, I took in Hilly Part of Himachal Prades.  The Cinereous Tit (Parus Cinereus) Tinny Bird These birds are part of the tit family and their scientific name is Parus...