The Grey-hooded warbler (Phylloscopus xanthoschistos) Picture and Detail

Grey-hooded, warbler, Himachal, Himalayan, bird,

The Grey-hooded warbler Detail and Pictures-

Some times, it is quite amazing to see small birds jumping here and there to get their food. We can easily spot these tiny birds through their habit of constantly moving. Today, I will share with you my experience with the tiny bird Grey-hooded warbler. 

Earlier, I introduced you to another sweet-voiced warbler bird Common Tailorbird. Unlike the common tailorbird, Grey-hooded warbler is a Himalayan bird and we can see it in the middle or higher reaches of the Himalaya. 
Grey-hooded warbler

Grey-hooded warbler belongs to the leaf warbler family and their scientific name is Phylloscopus Xanthoschistos. Their size is comparable to common tailor birds and they weigh around 6 to 10 grams. Like the common tailorbird, they too make sweet and pleasing sounds. 

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So far, the Grey-hooded warbler can be easily spotted in their habitats, thus they don't come under threatened birds; however, constant destruction to their habitats is a cause of concern. We can find them across the Himalayan region including countries like Pakistan, India, Bhutan, and Nepal. 

Grey-hooded warbler

These small birds fed on small insects and wild berries. Their breeding season is from the months of March to August. I noticed that these tiny birds don't fear humans much if we behave sensibly and don't disturb them. 

It is slightly hard to take their picture because they don't sit at a single place for long time. In future, I hope to bring more info and pictures of these birds for you. 

Category - Birds of Himachal Pradesh


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