
Showing posts with the label Warbler

Lesser Whitethroat warbler (Silviidae) Picture and Detail

  Lesser Whitethroat Warbler Pictures and Detail -         It is quite an interesting experience to interact with small or tiny birds. I have found that these birds are more interacting than the big birds and they sometimes come very close to you. I have already introduced you to two warblers Common Tailorbird and Grey-hooded warbler . Today, I will talk about Lesser whitethroat warbler.  Download our App Beautiful Indian Birds One day I was taking pictures of flowers then I found that a small bird is coming very close to me and he was comfortable in my presence. He was very adorable and sweet and I clicked some of his pictures and later found that the name of this bird is Lesser Whitethroat and it is a warbler. It is part of an old-world warbler family called Silviidae. They are migratory birds that fly to India in winters from cold climates. The scientific name of this bird is Curruca curruca.  This bird is available in good numbers and we can ...

The Grey-hooded warbler (Phylloscopus xanthoschistos) Picture and Detail

The Grey-hooded warbler Detail and Pictures- Some times, it is quite amazing to see small birds jumping here and there to get their food. We can easily spot these tiny birds through their habit of constantly moving. Today, I will share with you my experience with the tiny bird Grey-hooded warbler.  Earlier, I introduced you to another sweet-voiced warbler bird Common Tailorbird . Unlike the common tailorbird, Grey-hooded warbler is a Himalayan bird and we can see it in the middle or higher reaches of the Himalaya.  Grey-hooded warbler belongs to the leaf warbler family and their scientific name is Phylloscopus Xanthoschistos. Their size is comparable to common tailor birds and they weigh around 6 to 10 grams. Like the common tailorbird, they too make sweet and pleasing sounds.  ------- Support this Blog and my Bird Photography ----------- So far, the Grey-hooded warbler can be easily spotted in their habitats, thus they don't come under threatened bir...

The Common Tailorbird (Orthotomus Sutorius) Pictures and Detail

Tailor Bird   The Common Tailorbird (Orthotomus Sutorius) Pictures and Detail  Today, I will introduce you to a small songbird, Common Tailorbird . In Hindi and many parts of India, this bird is called Piddi. If you are a nature lover and like to observe birds, then you must have noticed this small bird giving very pleasant calls. I came across this bird a number of times and a few times, I do get a chance to enjoy its sweet song. Download our App Beautiful Indian Birds A Beautiful Common Tailorbird During the my stay in Hoshiarpur, I wake up many times with the sweet calls of the Common Tailor bird because few of them were visiting the tree behind my room. I have found common Tailorbirds at many locations in Punjab and they are very common. However, due to busy and noisy life, many people fail to enjoy the sweetness of their songs.  Backview of Tailor Bird The scientific name of this bird is Orthotomus Sutorius and it is a Warbler....