
Showing posts with the label Bird Photography

Indian (Blue) Peafowl (Peacock) Pictures and Detail (The most beautiful big Bird I ever saw)

Peacock and Its Feathers Indian Blue Peacock Indian (Blue) Peafowl Peacock Pictures and Detail ( Click to Tweet ) I spent the last few days in the search of Peacocks in Kandi Forest of Punjab near Ropar Town. I got the chance to see two dozen of these birds in this forest; however, they disappear in a few seconds so I got only a few pictures of peafowl. Download our app Beautiful Indian Birds Peahen Peahens  The ears of Peacock are so sharp that they are able to hear the click of a camera from a distance. The best thing about Peacocks is their beautiful voice which makes you stress-free. ------ Support this Blog and my Bird Photography ----- [Update 14-4-2015  The other interesting thing about Peacock is to see it with a full spread of feathers. When they do so, then they look like dancing in heavenly love. Fortunately, I also got a chance to capture the dance of Peacock with a full spread of its wings. In the three pictures below, you can see ...

The Common (Indian) Myna Pictures and Detail (Acridotheres tristis)

Close up Common Myna The Common (Indian) Myna Pictures and Detail (Acridotheres tristis) As the name suggests, this bird is very common in India and it is one of the most invasive birds in the present world. Common Myna is one such bird that makes her presence felt to you by coming very close to humans.  Buy The Canvas Wall Decor Gallery Wrap of Common Myna Now you can get the beautiful famed Poster or Canvas of the Common Myna Picture shown below. The shipping option is available worldwide.  Common Myna Canvas for Wall Buy this Canvas Common Myna Gallery Wrap for Home Decor  (worldwide) A Pair of a Common Myna  In India, we can find this bird in a big number with other species and subspecies of it. Common or Indian Myna is one bird about which a maximum number of people must have knowledge that they exist because they are everywhere and they have best adapted themselves to the urban lifestyle. These birds can be truly said to be the competi...

The Blue Whistling Thrush Pictures and Detail (Myophonus caeruleus)

Blue Whistling Thrush The Blue Whistling Thrush Pictures and Detail (Myophonus caeruleus) When I captured the above pic of Blue Whistling thrush at that time, I had no idea about this bird. From a distance, this bird looks like small crow and you hardly notice small white dots. However, when I saw this picture on my computer then it becomes clear that it is a different bird.  After some research, I came to know that it is called Blue Whistling Thrush which is a Himalayan and Asian Bird. This bird is found in a big geographical location from Afghanistan to Vietnam. This is a mountain bird because mostly found near the mountains. I captured these pictures in a village near Baijnath in Himachal Pradesh.  Blue Whistling Thrush In the above two pictures, you can see some insect in the beak of Blue Whistling Thrush. These birds feed on insects, fruits, nuts, snails and crabs.  Blue Whistling Thrush got its name because of its dark blue col...

The Grey (Himalayan) Treepie Pictures and Detail (Dendrocitta formosae)

The Grey (Himalayan) Treepie The Grey (Himalayan) Treepie Pictures and Detail (Dendrocitta formosae ) This is second Treepie whom I captured through my camera. Earlier it was Rufous Treepie ,  a Specie of Treepie from the plains. In India, we can find many geographically different regions; therefore, we see differences in birds too. The Himalayan ranges cross through the Northern and Eastern part of India; therefore, we find here many Himalayan birds. Grey Treepie is one of such bird which is also known as Himalayan Treepie . Unlike Rufous Treepie, these birds don't have a melodious voice and they look silent in nature. Grey Treepie from Back Like Rufous Treepie , Grey Treepie is also a bird of the crow family. These birds are found in the all geographical areas from foothills to higher peaks of Himalaya . Grey Treepie is basically an Asian Treepie. These birds are found from Northern India to Taiwan, including countries like China, N...

The Great Tit Pictures and Detail (Parus major)

Beautiful Great Tit The Great Tit Pictures and Detail (Parus major) Intitally, I thought that this bird is also Cinereous Tit , however, with some research, I found that the Tit with yellow color around the stomach and the breast is called Great Tit . I found a Pair of Great Tit and Cinereous Tit, both of them were searching food on same tree.  Great Tit and Cinereous Tit Together  Great Tit is also a Tit family bird which is a big family of small birds. The only difference between Great Tit and Cinereous Tit is a yellow color in the stomach region in the Great Tit instead of white color in the same region in Cinereous Tit.  The behavior and size of both birds are quite similar and it is common to find these birds together in many places. Till 2005, this the Great Tit was believed a sub species of Cinereous Tit and Japanese Tit. The Great Tit found in Europe, Middle East, Africa and Asia.  It is resident bird and it doesn't...

The White Capped Redstart Pictures and Detail (Chaimarrornis leucocephalus)

White Capped Redstart in Himachal Pradesh The White Capped Redstart Pictures and Detail (Chaimarrornis leucocephalus) I met White-capped Redstart in Himachal. During my visit to my native village in Himachal, my aunt told me that there is a beautiful bird moving around with a white patch on the top of its head. I was lucky because I met the bird the same evening and for the next four days, we met three times.  Get High Quality White Capped Redstart Canvas for Home Decor- Now you can increase the look of the walls in your home by adding this beautiful Canvas Gallery Wrap of the White capped Redstart bird. This Canvas Wrap will increase your look as a bird lover plus this beautiful White capped redstart will attract the attention of others. Buy White Capped Redstart Canvas Fortunately, White-capped Redstart didn't mind my presence and I got a chance to take some beautiful pictures of this bird. White-capped Redstart is found in Indian Subcontinent and South-East...

The Slaty-headed Parakeet Pictures and Detail (Himalayan Parrot) (Psittacula himalayana)

Slaty-headed Parakeet (Himalayan Parrot)  The Slaty-headed Parakeet Pictures and Detail (Himalayan Parrot) (Psittacula himalayana) Before this article, I wrote about Rose-ringed Parakeet (Indian Parrot)  which is a common species of parrots found in the plains of India. At that time, I was not aware that there are 372 types of Parakeet species around the world.   Buy Kiss Cut Stickers of Slaty-headed Parakeet (Parrot)- Transparent Stickers  White Background Stickers Now get this beautiful Parrot as kiss cut stickers in four sizes. The stickers of Slaty-headed are available in white and Transparent Background. Get the Stickers of Slaty-headed Parrot When I captured the pictures of Slaty-headed Parakeet , then I found that there is a color variation from common Parrots of Plains and Himalayan Parrots are more colorful. The Slaty-headed Parakeet (Himalayan Parrots) are called so because of the slaty color of their head region.  Pair of...