
Showing posts with the label Punjab

Eurasian Collared-Dove or Collared Dove (Streptopelia decapcto) Pictures and Detail

Eurosian Collared Dove or Collared Dove (Streptopelia decapcto) Pictures and Detail ( Click to Tweet ) Today, I will talk about another dove species i.e. Eurasian Collared dove or popularly known as a collared dove. Earlier, I covered three dove species on this blog and they were Laughing Dove , Rock Dove and Spotted Dove . A collared dove is also a common form of a dove and it has spread to the many parts of the world.  The scientific name of this dove is Streptopelia decapcto and it is a native bird to Europe and Asia; however, it has been introduced to the American continent too. Because of their good population, these birds are put under the category of least concerned birds.  ------- Support this Blog and my Bird Photography -------- They also have similar eating habits as that of other dove birds like grains, fruits, small insects, etc. I spotted a pair of Eurasian collared doves and found them mostly together which shows their strong relationshi...

Grey-headed or Dark-headed Yellow Wagtail Pictures and Detail (Motacilla flava thunbergi)

A Grey -headed Yellow Wagtail Grey -headed Yellow Wagtail or Dark-headed Yellow Wagtail  The most difficult thing is to find the exact name of wagtail because we can find many wagtails and their subspecies. It took me 5 hours to reach at this conclusion that this a Grey -headed or Dark-headed yellow wagtail. In Punjab, India, Grey -headed Yellow Wagtail is mentioned in a list of birds found in Punjab.  This bird is a subspecies of Western Yellow Wagtail; therefore, many people commonly refer it as a Yellow Wagtail and its scientific name is Motocilla Flava thunbergi . In the tiny birds, we can find many varieties of birds and their subspecies make your job even tougher.  Grey -headed Wagtail These birds are Dark Grey or Grey  headed till the cheeks. We find white color on checks in females which may be missing in male Dark-headed yellow wagtails. They have olive color above and yellow color on the bottom and in some cases we ca...