Brown-headed Barbet Pictures and Detail (A Fatty Green Bird with Brown Top)

Barnet, Brown-headed barbet,
Beautiful Brown-headed Barbet

Brown-headed Barbet Pictures and Detail

[Update 21/03/2015- Today, I got some new pictures of Brown-headed Barbet when I got the chance to spend some time with two of them. At the end of March, we can find most birds in pairs and the same is true for Brown-Headed Barbet. From the morning, I was listening to calls of Brown-Headed Barbets so I followed these calls and got some new pics. This time, it looked that Brown headed Barbet has no objection to my presence and I got some wonderful pics. I wish that this breeding season goes well for the Brown Headed-Barbet and we see a new generation of them.

I was trying to get close to these birds for the last three months and today was my lucky day.]

Also Check Blue-throated Barbet, Coppersmith Barbet and Great Hill Barbet 

Brown-headed barbet, Back
Brown-Headed Barbet from back

One day, I was taking pictures of birds, then I noticed a green bird flew near me. Earlier, the only green bird I was aware of being a Parrot. This bird is short as compared to a parrot and due to its green color sometimes, it becomes difficult to notice it. 

Brown-headed Barbet, Barbet,
Brown-headed Barbet
It is also hard to capture pictures of Brown-headed Barbet because it is a very shy and fearful bird. With just a small noise, it flew away from you. Though, I was lucky because I got two of its pictures and in the future, I hope to get more. 

When I studied more about this bird, then found that it is an Asian breed of Barbet. In general, we can find different kind of barbet birds around the world. 
Close up, Facem Brown Headed Barbet
Close up Face Brown-Headed Barbet

Brown-headed Barbet, Wall
Brown-headed Barbet on the Wall

This green barbet is mainly found in India, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh. This green specie  of Barbet mainly eats insects and fruits. 

The main characteristics of this bird are short neck, short tail and a big head. If we see its size, then looks like a small fatty bird. 

Back, Brown headed Barbet
Back of Brown-headed Barbet

Video Presentation of Pictures of Brown-headed Barbet-



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