Indian Black Ibis (Pseudibis papillosa) Pictures and Detail

Indian Black Ibis, Pseudibis papillosa, Pictures, Detail, Red naped ibis, ibis
Indian Black Ibis (Pseudibis papillosa) Pictures and Detail 

Indian Black Ibis (Black Ibis) Pictures and Detail 

Recently, I got a chance to take some pictures of a young Indian Black Ibis bird that was looking for insects. This bird is also called Red-naped ibis or black ibis and its scientific name is Pseudibis papillosa. We can recognize this bird with the crimson red patch on the head and a white patch on the shoulder, though, young Black ibis birds don't have a crimson color patch on the head. 

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Indian Black Ibis, picture,
Indian Black Ibis
We usually found other ibis birds near the water; however, Indian black ibis birds are not totally dependent on the water and we can find them in the dry areas too. These birds have very loud calls. I also got altered by his calls and got my camera to capture a few pics
Black ibis, Indian Black ibis, Ibis,
Black ibis

These birds found in most parts of the Indian Subcontinent. The habitats of the black ibis can be found around rivers, lakes, wetlands, marshes, fields and they make their nests on the top of trees. Black ibis is a large bird with long legs and bill. Its feathers and wings are black with green-blue shades. 

Young, Indian Black Ibis, Ibis
Young Indian Black Ibis

Both sexes of this bird are alike; however, juveniles don't have crown and bare heads. Black ibis are mostly silent birds; however, they make very strong calls during the breeding season. They mainly feed on insects, frogs, carrion, small vertebrates, and grain. These birds fly by making V Shape formation in the sky. 

Black ibis, Indian Ibis,
Young Indian Black Ibis

It is common to find these birds in Punjab and Haryana because it is their preferred place for breeding. This time, I got a chance to capture a pic of a young Indian Black Ibis and next time, I hope to capture pics of adult black ibis birds too. 

Back, Indian Black Ibis

Update 22-01-2020 - I have added two new pics of the Black Ibis which was wandering in search of insects in the nearby fields. This time again, it was a grown juvenile bird. These birds don't fear humans much and only get alerted when someone tries to be too close to them. 


  1. Plz answer me
    Is this bird is eatable (healthy)????

    1. Wtf ? Why do you want to know if it's eatable?

    2. I am totally against eating birds and in my knowledge, I have never heard of anyone eating it.


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