The Ruddy Shelduck Pictures and Detail (Tadorna ferruginea) Migratory Birds

Ruddy Shelduck, Shelduck, Duck, Water bird
Pair of Ruddy Shelduck 

The Ruddy Shelduck Pictures and Detail (Tadorna ferruginea)

Everytime I visit Ropar wetland, I get a chance to capture pictures of ducks. Last I captured pictures of Spot-billed Ducks and this time, it was the turn of  Ruddy Shelduck. In general, these ducks don't come close to side of the wetland where human interference is more; however, sometimes, you get few exceptions. 

Ruddy Shelduck is member of Duck family and it is put in Shelduck subfamily Tadorninae. These are mainly migratory birds and they come to the Indian subcontinent in winters. This bird is mainly found in pairs or in small groups. 

I was fortunate to get pictures of Ruddy Shelduck pictures during this winter; otherwise, I was required to wait for next winters. These birds arrive in Indian in October and leaves around April. 

Ruddy Shelduck, Male,
The Ruddy Shelduck Male
The male Ruddy Shelduck can be recognized by a black ring on the neck. In some parts of the world, these birds are hunted; though, In India they are protected birds; however, unofficial hunting is still a threat. 

They mainly found across wetland, marshy areas. The decreasing flow of water to wetlands and river bodies due to irrigation projects in causes threat to these birds. Population is water is another threat to these birds. 

The good news is that they are put in category of least concern species; therefore, there is no immediate threat to Ruddy Shelduck. 

Ruddy Shelduck, Shelduck, Duck
Pair of Ruddy Shelduck
The Asian population of Ruddy Shelduck migrates to lower altitude parts in the South during winters. At some suitable places or wetlands, we can even find thousands of these birds. 

After the breeding, the adult Ruddy Shelduck birds become incapable of flying for one month. These birds are mainly active at night. 

These birds, mainly eat green vegetation, seeds, insects, small fishes, aquatic plants. They give their eggs away from water in empty homes, tree holes or in cliffs. 

Ruddy Shelduck,
Pair of Ruddy Shelduck
In the next winter, I hope to capture more pictures of Ruddy Shelducks. 

All Pictures taken by Arvind Katoch at Ropar Wetland


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