Pied Myna or Asian Pied Starling Pictures and Detail

Pied Myna, Asian Pied Starling, Myna, Starling,
Pied Myna or Asian Pied Starling

Pied Myna or Asian Pied Starling Pictures and Detail-

Today, it's time for another Myna i.e. Pied Myna or Asian Pied Starling. The last Myna, I shared with you were Brahminy Myna, Bank Myna, and Common Myna. Like the other Myna, Pied Myna is also a common bird; however, less common than other Common Myna and Bank Myna. These are very social birds and for the last two years, I am seeing a pair of Pied Myna making nests at the same location. These birds are slightly shy than the common myna and avoid coming close to humans. However, they also live near humans and we can find them near the human population in villages and cities. 

Pied Myna,Asian Pied Starling, sideview

They also love to eat human food left over by them. It is a routine at our home to give morning first chapatis to the crows and other birds and sometimes, Pied Myna does come to eat the chapatis. 

Pied Myna, Asian Pied startling, Myna, Bird, Punjab
A Pied Myna or Asian pied starling

The scientific name of Pied Myna is Gracupica contra.  Pied Myna belongs to starling species and this bird is mainly found in the Indian Subcontinent and Southeast Asia. This bird has five subspecies and we can find slight variations in their color and size as per the geographical location. The calls of these birds are much sweeter and lighter as compared to other Mynas.

One legged, Pied Myna, Myna,
One-legged Pied Myna
Above you can see the picture of a one-legged Pied Myna. Earlier, I saw a few one-legged Common Mynas; however, for the first time, I saw a one-legged Pied Myna. These are the birds of the plains and not found on the higher hills. The population of this Myna is on the rise and they are establishing a base in new locations.

 In captivity, these birds are known to imitate the sound of other birds; therefore, many people use them as pet birds. It is common to find Pied Mynas venturing into fields, open areas, and grasslands in search of insects, grains, small worms, and mollusks. Below, You can see the pictures of a Pied Myna Juvenile. You can clearly see the brownish wings on his body.

Pied Myna, Juvenile,
Juvenile Pied Myna
Like the other Mynas, Their breeding season is between March and September. We can find Asian Pied Starling in pairs or in small groups. They make their nests in the big trees or man-made structures like electricity polls (as seen by me). I observed several times that they defend their nest very aggressively from predators.

Pied Myna, Myna,
A Pied Myna

This is the first set of pictures of Pied Myna and I hope to get more pictures and info on Pied Myna in the near future.

Here are some unique points about the Pied Myna:

Appearance: The Pied Myna is a striking bird with contrasting black and white feathers. It has a bright yellow beak and feet, and a distinctive patch of bare yellow skin around its eye.

Sociable Nature: Pied Mynas are highly sociable birds and are often found in large flocks. They have a complex social structure and communicate with each other through a range of calls and body language.

Vocal Mimicry: Pied Mynas are excellent mimics and can imitate a wide range of sounds, including the calls of other bird species, human speech, and even musical instruments.

Endangered Status: The Pied Myna is classified as a vulnerable species due to habitat loss and trapping for the pet trade. Conservation efforts are underway to protect their remaining populations.

Cultural Significance: Pied Mynas are popular in traditional Southeast Asian culture and are often kept as pets or used in traditional medicine. They are also featured in folklore and poetry and are considered a symbol of good luck and prosperity.


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