Indian (Blue) Peafowl (Peacock) Pictures and Detail (The most beautiful big Bird I ever saw)

Peacock, Peafowl, Feathers,
Peacock and Its Feathers

Peacock, Peafowl
Indian Blue Peacock

Indian (Blue) Peafowl Peacock Pictures and Detail (Click to Tweet)

I spent the last few days in the search of Peacocks in Kandi Forest of Punjab near Ropar Town. I got the chance to see two dozen of these birds in this forest; however, they disappear in a few seconds so I got only a few pictures of peafowl.

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The ears of Peacock are so sharp that they are able to hear the click of a camera from a distance. The best thing about Peacocks is their beautiful voice which makes you stress-free.

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[Update 14-4-2015  The other interesting thing about Peacock is to see it with a full spread of feathers. When they do so, then they look like dancing in heavenly love. Fortunately, I also got a chance to capture the dance of Peacock with a full spread of its wings. In the three pictures below, you can see yourself how beautiful a Peacock looks at this point.

Peacock, Full Spread of Wings, Wings, Feathers,
Peacock with Full spread of Feathers
Feathers, Backside, Peacock
Backside of Peacock in Full Spread of Feathers

Side view, full spread, Peacocks, Feathers,
Side View of Full Spread of Feathers of Peacock

There are two species of Peafowl, one is blue and the other is green. In India, we find Blue Peacocks and in Burma (Myanmar) we find the green Peacock.

Peacock, Peafowl, Bush
Peacock on the Bush
 When you see a peacock for the first time, then the first word which comes out of your mouth is what a beautiful big bird. It appears that someone has painted this bird so beautifully. I found it very peaceful chasing these birds.

Can Peacock Fly?- The most interesting thing is to see Peacock flying. Though, Peacock can't fly long distances and high enough, So usually they have short flights and they choose a higher ground to jump so that they can cross a long distance, I have seen a Peacock jumping from 70 feet height to cover the almost double distance in a single flight. Due to their large wing size, we hear a strong noise when they fly near us. However, they are not long-distance and high flyers like the other birds.   Below you can see three pictures showing the flight of Peacocks. These pictures are taken from the top as I was standing on top of a hill.]

Peacock, Flying,
Peacock Flying
Peacock, Flight
Flight of Peacock

Peacock, Flying
Peacock Flying

I am seeing the Indian (Blue) Peacocks from childhood because these birds were very common in the villages of Punjab and we could notice them in the fields. However, due to excessive use of pesticides and hunting, the numbers of Peacocks decreased drastically and they started disappearing.

However, thanks to a ban on killing Peafowls, we are again seeing a revival of their population.

Peacock, Hill Top
Peacock on the Hill Top
The male Peafowl is called Peacocks and while female Peafowl is called Peahen. The male Peafowl has beautiful and colorful wings, which are absent in female Peafowls, The tail of the Peacock is known as Train.

The good thing about Peafowls is that they cling a hill of 400 feet in few seconds only and they are very good at hiding themselves behind the small trees and bushes. Peafowl doesn't have a good flight, but they can fly for short distances if feel threatened.

Face of Peafowl

The diet of Peafowls includes a variety of things like plants, grass, seeds, insects, manuals. In the morning, it is nice to hear their loud calls in the morning time; though, we can hear these calls at any time.

Sometimes when you follow Peacocks in the jungle, then you get the chance to see such pictures where a Peafowl is standing on Tree branch like you see in the picture below.

Peacock, Tree,
Peacock on Tree

Peafowl, Peacock, Tree Branch,
Peafowl on the Tree Branch

Sometimes, we also get a chance to see Peacocks fighting for a Peahen. In the picture below, you can see three Peacocks and one Peahen. Two Peacocks look fighting with each other.

Peacocks, Fight
Peacocks Fight 

The threat to Peafowls (Peacocks) 

Few years, It was common to read such news in the media "20 Peacocks found dead", "Indians can no longer be proud as a peacock", "Peacocks poisoned", "Peafowls (Peacocks) on the brink of extinction".

During my childhood, it was very common to see Peafowls (Peacocks) in rural areas of most of India; however, as I grew, I noticed a sharp decrease in the numbers of Peacocks. Earlier in the state of Punjab in India, you can commonly see Peacocks sitting silently in fields or on the rooftop.

However, due to poaching, poisoning, and indiscriminate use of pesticides, the number of Peafowls decreased sharply and it's become very uncommon to see these beautiful birds. In 1991 population counting done by WWF India for Peafowls (Peacocks), it was found that Peafowls population has become half after the independence of India.

Killing Peacocks is a non-bailable offense in India and any person caught killing Peacocks can get three years of imprisonment and Rs 10000 fine. However, still, these birds were hunted down due because of the huge demand for their feathers and fat.

The increased use of pesticides in fields also caused the death of Peacocks because the use of some pesticides become very harmful for these birds.

However, now we are seeing some revival and there is an increase in the population of Peafowls in many parts of India; though, they are still under threat and need protection. I request everyone to support Peacocks by educating others about the security of Peacocks.

Peafowls (Peacocks) are great ground birds because we mostly find them on the ground moving here and there or even climbing hills because of their strong feet. Being sensitive to the slightest movement of unknown voice or things, they can fly away immediately creating a loud noise of wings.

I hope to capture more of their pictures in the future because I have fallen in love with Peafowl (Peacock) calls and the sweet nature of hiding. 


  1. Excellent work sir! Your passion and enthusiasm in ornithology is most admirable. hope you are able to view/enjoy more species of birds.

    1. Thanks for appreciation. Got good pictures of 60 plus new birds and I will updating them soon. It is always a great pleasure to capture these beautiful and innocent birds (creations).


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