Spotted Dove (Spilopelia Chinensis) Pictures and Detail (Also called Mountain or Pearl necked or Lace Necked Dove)

Spotted Dove, Dove,
Spotted Dove

Spotted Dove (Spilopelia Chinensis) Pictures and Detail 

We can find many doves around us and some of these doves are very common while others we rarely see. Earlier, I shared with you Laughing Dove (or Palm dove) and Rock dove (or Pigeon) which we commonly found around us. Today, I am going to share with you another dove or Pigeon, Spotted Dove, with whom I met in Himchal Pradesh. 

I noticed that a pair of doves is commonly coming to our home and nearby fields. I took my camera and captured some of its pictures. By studying it, I found that it is a long tail pigeon (dove) and it is called Spotted Dove. Its scientific name is Spilopelia Chinensis). It is also called Mountain or Pearl necked or Lace Necked Dove.

Spotted Dove
Spotted Dove
With some efforts, these birds become my friend and they started coming close to me and I took some of their nice pictures. These are native birds of Asia and we can easily spot them in India. Spotted doves have also established them in new geographical locations like Australia, Martitius, New Zealand, Hawaii, etc. These birds can be easily found in forests, near farmlands and human population and woodlands.

Spotted Doves mainly feed on seeds, grains, fallen fruits, insects and small vegetations. We often found these birds in pairs or in small groups. We can easily recognize a spotted dove through white spotted black collar on its neck and long tail. These birds have dark brown feathers with grey edges.

Spotted, Mountail Dove, Dove,
Spotted or Mountail Dove
When these birds are around, you can easily recognize them through the sound they make "Krookruk-krukroo... kroo kroo kroo".  Spotted Doves can breed any time of the year and the male spotted doves tries to impress the female spotted dove by displaying the white dotted black color patch. 

Pearl Necked Dove, Dove, Spotted Dove,
Pearl Necked Dove Feeding
Overall, Spotted doves are peaceful birds and which don't cause any major problem to you. 


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