
Showing posts from March, 2015

The Red-wattled Lapwing Pictures and Detail (A Bird with Lady like Walk)

Red-Wattled lapwing The Red-wattled Lapwing Pictures and Detail This is the one bird that I saw very late in life, but I heard lots of its noise from childhood. From childhood, it was very common to hear loud calls from this bird throughout the day. It is common to hear loud calls of Red-wattled Lapwing at night because these birds feed at night and make noise.  Buy the Stickers of Red-wattled Lapwing Bird- Now you can buy the stickers of your favorite bird Red-wattled Lapwing in multiple sizes and in two options of Transparent and white background.  Buy the Stickers of Red-wattled Lapwing Around 20 years back at night when I was studying then it was quite often to hear the voices of Red-wattled Lapwing . This bird is very common in the Northern part of India where I spent most of my childhood. I can easily recognize Red-wattled lapwing through its voice only.  Red-wattled Lapwing watching me Red-wattled Lapwing is found in West Asia to South ...

Indian Robin Pictures and Detail (Saxicoloides fulicatus) from North India

A small Brown Headed Bird with Navy Blue Chest (Indian Robin) Indian Robin Pictures and Detail One day, I came across a small bird with brown upper part and navy blue lower part. Initially, I had no idea of this bird, then an online friend told me that it is Indian Robin and it is a male Indian Robin.  Indian Robin From Front In India, we can find many varieties of birds and Indian Robin is a specific Robin species which is found in Indian subcontinent countries. The picture, I took is of a North Indian Robin which I took in Punjab state of India.  Indian Robin male from Back The scientific name of Indian Robin is Saxicoloides Fulicatus and it belongs to the Muscicapidae family of birds. It is common to find Indian robins in semi forests and open area looking for food. We can find differences in the colors of Indian Robin in other parts of India.  The female Indian Robins don't have dark colors. Indian Robin  ...

Purple Sunbird Pictures and Detail (Cinnyris asiaticus) Male/Female both Pictures

Beautiful Purple Sunbird Purple Sunbird Female Purple Sunbird Pictures and Detail (Cinnyris asiaticus) The first Sunbird which I captured through my camera was Crimson Sunbird  in the hills of Himachal Pradesh.   Purple Sunbird is second Sunbird and this time, I have pictures of both male and female Purple Sunbird.  Purple Sunbird Male Making Calls You can see in the picture, Male Purple Sunbird is Purple in color while female Purple Sunbird has olive and yellow color. Like the Crimson Sunbird, these Sunbird mainly feed on nectar and insects.  Purple Sunbird on a Branch of Tree The biggest difficulty you get while taking pictures of Sunbird is their very small size and their constant moments. We mostly don't notice these birds because of their small size. The unique point of Purple Sunbird is their fast and direct flights and due to this, they can become out of sight anytime. Female Purple Sunbird The scientific nam...

Hoopoe Pictures and Detail (Upupa epops) A Colorful Bird with a Crown

Indian Hoopoe with Full Crown Close up Picture of a Hoopoe Hoopoe Pictures and Detail (Upupa epops)  I was following this bird for some time to take its pictures; however, I didn't succeed for five months. I was mainly attracted to this Hoopoe because of the crown on its head. It is common to see a Hoopoe in India when we show some patience. After initial failures, I got many good pics of Hoopoe with full-grown (shown above taken on 26/01/2016).  Get the Hoopoe Stickers (Transparent and in White base) Now get the stickers of your favorite bird Hoopoe in multiple sizes of 2x2, 3x3, 4x4 and 6x6 inches.  Buy these Hoopoe Stickers  Hoopoe the bird with Crown Luckily, I was sitting with my camera on the rooftop, then from nowhere a Hoopoe appeared and so I succeeded in getting a few of its pictures. It looked like Hoopoe had no problem with me taking his pictures; therefore, he sat there for 7-8 minutes. This time was enough for me to take some good pi...

The Oriental White-Eye Pictures and Detail (Zosterops palpebrosus) A Beautiful Tiny Bird

A Beautiful Tiny Bird (Oriental White-eye) The Oriental White-Eye Pictures and Detail (Zosterops palpebrosus) Today, I will talk about beautiful and tiny bird with White circle around the eye i.e. Oriental White-Eye . These were the first tiny bird whom pictures, I took. Before that I had no idea that such small tiny birds do exist and they can be so beautiful.  The Oriental White-Eye is a passerine bird from Asia. We can find more than 5000 species of passerine birds. I was lucky to come across these birds and when a small group of them was venturing the open woodland behind my home. Oriental White-Eye from Front Oriental White-eye got its name because of visible white circle around its eyes. The scientific name of this bird is ( Zosterops palpebrosus ). These birds, mainly survive on nectar and small insects. Small group of Oriental White-eye These beautiful tiny birds are of very small size around 8 cm long. When you see at thes...