
Eurasian Coot Pictures and Detail (A Bird which can walk on the water)

Eurasian Coot Pictures and Detail - Today, I will discuss another water-oriented bird Eurasian Coot with you. The scientific name of this bird is Fulica atra. Earlier, I have covered three water birds Spotted-billed duck , Ruddy Shelduck , and Eurasian Common Moorhen .  Waterbirds are the birds which depend mainly on water resources for their food and living. Eurasian coots are also called common coots or Australian coots.  ----- Support this Blog and my Bird Photography ------- I encounter these birds at Nagal Wetland, Harike Wetland, and at Kurshetra Brahm Sarovar. Mostly, we can see them in pairs or groups. We can easily spot them by the white mark (frontal shield) present on their foreheads. These birds are found in many parts of the world including India, Europe, Australia.  The male and female Eurasian coot birds almost look similar; however, male birds are slightly bigger than the female birds. They are black colored birds. It is common to spot these birds on the ...

The Verditer Flycatcher (Eumyias Thalassinus) Pictures and Detail

The Verditer Flycatcher (Eumyias Thalassinus) The Verditer Flycatcher (Eumyias Thalassinus) Pictures and Detail  ( Click to Tweet ) Verditer Flycatcher is the second Flycatcher bird that I am going to share with you. Earlier, I shared with you a beautiful white colored flycatcher bird Asian Paradise Flycatcher . Now, it is the turn of the second flycatcher bird i.e. Verfiter Flycatcher. I found both these flycatcher birds at the same place village Mandher, near Baijnath, Himachal Pradesh.  ------- Support this Blog and my Bird Photography ------ The scientific name of this bird is Eumyias thalassinus. Verditer flycatcher can be identified by the blue color of its body and a black patch around its eyes. It is an old-world flycatcher bird and found from the Himalayan region to Indonesia. The male Verditer flycatcher birds are blue colored all over the body while female birds are lighter blue in color. As their name suggests, these birds catch flies and other flying ...

Grey Bush Chat (Saxicola ferreus) Pictures and Detail - A Bird who loves to be photographed

Grey Bush Chat (Saxicola ferreus) Male Grey Bush Chat (Saxicola ferreus) Pictures and Detail ( Click to Tweet ) Chat Birds are very interactive birds and they don't fear you much. Like the Brown Rock Chat which I covered earlier on this blog, Grey Bush Chat is also a very friendly bird and doesn't fear coming close to you. Brown Rock Chat is found in lower parts of India while Grey Bush Chat is a Himalayan Bird and I found it in Himachal Pradesh near Baijnath. Buy Grey Bush Chat Kiss-cut Stickers -  Grey Bush Chat Sticker Transparent Grey Bush Chat White background Sticker You have two options for buying the stickers of Grey Bush Chat, Transparent or white background. Grey Bush Chat Stickers are available in sizes of 2 x 2, 3 x 3, 4 x 4 and 6 x 6 inches.  Click to Buy Grey Bush Chat Stickers The scientific name of Grey Bush Chat is Saxicola Ferreus and they belong to the Muscicapidae family. It is found mainly in the Himalayan region including countries like...

Oriental Magpie Robin (Copsychus saularis) Pictures and Detail

Oriental Magpie Robin Female  Oriental Magpie Robin (Copsychus Saularis) Pictures and Detail  ( Click to Tweet )  There are many small birds which you encounter as a bird photographer and one of such bird is Oriental Magpie Robin which is much smaller than other Magpie birds covered on this blog i.e. Yellow-billed magpie and Red-billed magpie .  Oriental Magpie Robin Male Like the big magpie, this small magpie is also very friendly and can be easily spotted. Spotting an Oriental Magpie Robin is not a hard thing; however, it is hard to find two or more of them at a single place may be due to territorial disputes. It comes in the category of songbirds because of the strong sounds created by them.  ------- Support this Blog and my Bird Photography -------- It is very common to find Oriental Magpie Robin from city gardens to forests. Because of their dark color and their interactive nature, it is much easier to spot them. Oriental Magpie Robin ...

Indian Scops Owl (Otus bakkamoena) Pictures and Detail (A mid-sized Owl and my close encounter)

Indian Scops Owl Pictures and Detail- ( Click to Tweet )  My first encounter with an owl is from my childhood when I was around 10 years and I climbed a building in search of the kit then near a window a saw a bird (at that time I have no knowledge about birds) which was not flying away despite my closeness. I left him unharmed because I have always loved the birds. ------ Support this Blog and my Bird Photography --------- Later, when I described my experience to my father then he told me that it must be an owl. He further told me that owls are unable to see clearly during the day and it must be the reason that he did not fly away.  I like these birds because of their mysterious nature and our fewer encounters with them. Many people don't like owls and think that they bring bad luck; however, I don't believe all this and love to have them around.  Despite taking bird pictures from a few years, I remain unsuccessful in taking pictures of the owl because th...

Eurasian Collared-Dove or Collared Dove (Streptopelia decapcto) Pictures and Detail

Eurosian Collared Dove or Collared Dove (Streptopelia decapcto) Pictures and Detail ( Click to Tweet ) Today, I will talk about another dove species i.e. Eurasian Collared dove or popularly known as a collared dove. Earlier, I covered three dove species on this blog and they were Laughing Dove , Rock Dove and Spotted Dove . A collared dove is also a common form of a dove and it has spread to the many parts of the world.  The scientific name of this dove is Streptopelia decapcto and it is a native bird to Europe and Asia; however, it has been introduced to the American continent too. Because of their good population, these birds are put under the category of least concerned birds.  ------- Support this Blog and my Bird Photography -------- They also have similar eating habits as that of other dove birds like grains, fruits, small insects, etc. I spotted a pair of Eurasian collared doves and found them mostly together which shows their strong relationshi...

Asian Barred Owlet Pictures and Detail

Asian Barred Owlet Pictures and Detail-  Finally, I am a happy man because I got my first picture of an owlet. Even after taking pictures of more than 100 different birds, I was unable to capture an owlet through my camera. I became lucky when I spotted an Asian Barred Owlet in my native village in Himachal.  The scientific name of the Asian Barred Owlet is Glaucidium cuculoides.  ------Download our App Beautiful Indian Birds ------- The above owlet in pictures is the subspecies of Asian Barred Owlet which is found in the Himalayas and its scientific name is Glaucidium cuculoides. These owls are residents of the Northern Subcontinent of India and they are also found in some parts of Southeast Asia. Asian Barred Owlet is species of True owlet and they can be seen in countries like India, Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, and Vietnam.  Mostly, in Indian culture, people don't like owlets and associate them with bad things. Howev...

The Grey-hooded warbler (Phylloscopus xanthoschistos) Picture and Detail

The Grey-hooded warbler Detail and Pictures- Some times, it is quite amazing to see small birds jumping here and there to get their food. We can easily spot these tiny birds through their habit of constantly moving. Today, I will share with you my experience with the tiny bird Grey-hooded warbler.  Earlier, I introduced you to another sweet-voiced warbler bird Common Tailorbird . Unlike the common tailorbird, Grey-hooded warbler is a Himalayan bird and we can see it in the middle or higher reaches of the Himalaya.  Grey-hooded warbler belongs to the leaf warbler family and their scientific name is Phylloscopus Xanthoschistos. Their size is comparable to common tailor birds and they weigh around 6 to 10 grams. Like the common tailorbird, they too make sweet and pleasing sounds.  ------- Support this Blog and my Bird Photography ----------- So far, the Grey-hooded warbler can be easily spotted in their habitats, thus they don't come under threatened bir...

Black-Winged Stilt Pictures and Detail (A Bird with Narrow and Tall legs)

Black-Winged Stilt Pictures and Detail Today, I will talk about a bird with tall and narrow legs. Recently, I found a bird which was moving very slowly through bushes and searching for insects in the water. So, I decided to take its pictures and zoomed my lens on it. First, I thought that this bird may be related to Red-wattled Lapwing ; however, on close inspection, I found that the legs of this birds are much narrow and taller than the Red-wattled Lapwing. With some efforts, I got some of its pictures and later found that the name of the bird is Black-winged Stilt.  Black-winged Stilt is a member of the Stilt family and we can find them in a wide range. They are also known by the names of Common Stilt and Pied Stilt. Their scientific name is Himantopus himantopus. We can 5 to 7 subspecies of these birds. Black-winged Stilt is mainly found in Europe and most parts of Asia. I found these birds very quiet in nature and they mostly move alone except in mating se...

Indian Spotted Eagle Pictures and Detail (Vulnerable Bird Specie)

Indian Spotted Eage  Indian Spotted Eagle Pictures and Detail-  I love all types of birds and it is always a great experience to take pictures of birds. However, people don't consider some birds good for them because they consider that these birds bring bad luck. The same is true for Indian Spotted Eagle, when I was taking its pictures, a few people told me that it is not good to view it and it may cause bad luck. I didn't listen to them and took these pictures.  Download our App Beautiful Indian Birds When I saw these pictures of the Spotted Eagle on my laptop, then I found a beautiful creature of God, and I fell in love with it.   Why we still consider some the birds like owls, eagles, bats,  etc as bad birds to humans. They are an integral part of our ecosystem and They are very innocent and never cause any harm to humans. In the modern world, we need to shed these false beliefs and start respecting all creatures of God. At present,...