
Showing posts from September, 2016

Indian Spotted Eagle Pictures and Detail (Vulnerable Bird Specie)

Indian Spotted Eage  Indian Spotted Eagle Pictures and Detail-  I love all types of birds and it is always a great experience to take pictures of birds. However, people don't consider some birds good for them because they consider that these birds bring bad luck. The same is true for Indian Spotted Eagle, when I was taking its pictures, a few people told me that it is not good to view it and it may cause bad luck. I didn't listen to them and took these pictures.  Download our App Beautiful Indian Birds When I saw these pictures of the Spotted Eagle on my laptop, then I found a beautiful creature of God, and I fell in love with it.   Why we still consider some the birds like owls, eagles, bats,  etc as bad birds to humans. They are an integral part of our ecosystem and They are very innocent and never cause any harm to humans. In the modern world, we need to shed these false beliefs and start respecting all creatures of God. At present,...

Black-Throated Bushtit (Tit) Pictures and Detail (Aegithalos concinnus)

Black-Throated Bushtit (Tit) Pictures and Detail- ( Click to Tweet ) The best part of bird photography is to meet new birds daily and learn more about their lives. Observing a small bird and then taking its pictures is a very adventurous job. Taking pictures of small birds like Tits is a difficult job because they don't stay in the same place for a long time.  ------ Support this Blog and my Bird Photography  ------- Black-throated Tit is the fourth Tit bird, I am going to share with you. Earlier, I shared with you Cinereous Tit , Great Tit , and Himalayan black- lored tit . Tit birds are small passerine birds and they belong to the family of birds Aegithalidae. The scientific name of Black-throated Bushtit is Aegithalos concinnus. Due to the small size of Tit birds, we sometimes do not notice them, but by following their sweet voice, we can find them.  I met the Black-throated Tit near Baijnath town of Himachal Pradesh. We can find...

Common Babbler Pictures and Detail (Turdoides caudata)

Common Babbler  Common Babbler Pictures and Detail- Today, I will share the detail and pictures of Common Babbler. Earlier, I shared with you another Babbler i.e. Jungle Babbler . The strange thing here is that I found Jungle Babbler more common than the Common Babbler. Jungle Babblers are very common in cities and near the human population, whereas Common Babblers look slightly away from humans.  Common Babblers are small grey  and white-colored creatures that are much smaller than the Jungle Babblers. The scientific name of these birds is Turdoides Caudata and belong to the Leiothrichidae family of birds. Like the Jungle Babbler, Common Babblers can also be found in small groups and they too create noise. We can find two subspecies of Common Babblers.  -------- Support this Blog and my Bird Photography ----- We can recognize Common Babbler with their long tails and greyish color with dark streaks. We can find a white patch on their th...

Blue-fronted Redstart Pictures and Detail (Phoenicurus frontalis)

Blue-fronted Redstart Blue-fronted Redstart Pictures and Detail-  I have always found small birds like Redstart very curious and they mostly become curious about your activities and sometimes even come close to you. Last time, I shared my encounters with Black-Redstart , White-capped Redstart and Plumbeous Redstart and now, it's time to talk about Blue-fronted Redstart, whom I met in the foothills of Himachal Pradesh.  Blue-fronted Redstart During a walk in empty fields, I found a pair of small birds looking for food, When I went close to them, then I realized that they are Redstart birds. Initially, I was not sure which kind of Redstart these were. When I started taking pictures of them, then they also started coming close to me and started curiously observing me. Soon, they realized that I am not a threat to them, then they become busy with their old activities while ignoring my presence.  --------  Support this Blog and my Bird Photography ...

Black Redstart Pictures and Detail (Phoenicurus ochruros) A small curious Bird

Black Redstart Black Redstart Pictures and Detail-  Today, I will discuss and share the third Redstart with you with whom I spent some time and got its pictures. Earlier, I shared pictures of White capped Redstart  and Plumbeous Redstart . Like the other redstart  birds, Black Redstart is also a curious bird and it may come close to you when you are taking its pictures.  Black Redstart The scientific name of this bird is Phoenicurus ochruros and it belongs to the  redstart genus Phoenicurus. The scientific name of the Indian subspecies is Phoenicurus ochruros rufiventris. Black Redstart, a small flycatcher bird has a wide range and we can find many of their subspecies. Black Redstarts are found in Europe, Asia, China, Britain, Ireland, and Africa. It is a resident world; however, the Black redstart  living in the northern or colder parts may migrate to hot southern places.  ------- Support this Blog and my Bird Photography ...