
Showing posts from May, 2015

Indian Grey Hornbill Pictures and Detail (Ocyceros birostris) A Shy Grey Bird

Pair of Indian Grey Hornbill Birds Indian Grey Hornbill Pictures and Detail (Ocyceros birostris) Indian Grey Hornbill is common Hornbill found in Indian Subcontinent. The scientific name of this bird is Ocyceros birostris. These birds, mainly live in the trees and hardly descend to the ground. When I first saw Indian Grey Hornbill, then noticed that it is a Hornbill; however, I was not confirmed about its original name.  However, I easily found that it is an Indian Grey Hornbill. I saw these birds at many locations from the foothills of Himalaya to the plains. Initially, I found it very hard to take their pictures because of their shy nature.  Indian Grey Hornbill on Tree These birds have grey  feathers and the color of the belly is light grey .  They have a dark grey  Horn with some extended part. Indian Grey Harnbill mainly feed on fruits, though they may eat small insects, reptiles, molluscs, scorpions etc. Indian Grey ...

Barn Swallow (Hirundo Rustica) Pictures and Detail

Barn Swallow  Barn Swallow (Hirundo Rustica) Pictures and Detail  During my recent visit to Hiamchal Pradesh, I noticed that a deep blue and white colored bird is feeding its juveniles on the edge of a rooftop. I decided to capture its pictures and finally got many of pictures of adult and juveniles. On some study, I found that the name of this bird is Barn Swallow .  Barn Swallow Juveniles I saw this bird for the first time or at least noticed it for the first time. I found these birds very attractive and they were making dives in the air to catch insects to feed baby Barn Swallows. There were around eight Juveniles of Barn Swallow waiting silently on the edge of the rooftop for their turn to get food from the parents.  --------- Best Books on Indian Birds to Read --------- In the picture above, You can clearly see an adult Barn Swallow feeding its juvenile. It looked that Juveniles were unable to catch insects themselv...

Rock Dove (Pigeon) Pictures and Detail (Columba livia) (The Piegon we find around)

Rock Dove  Rock Dove (Pigeon) Pictures and Detail (Columba livia ) Today, I am going to cover second Dove i.e. Rock Dove also popularly known as Rock Pigeon or simply Pigeon . The first dove, I covered on this blog was Laughing Dove , which we mostly see together with Rock Pigeons.  Rock Pigeons are very common birds because they are very good in adapting to different geographic conditions.   Rock Doves belong to the bird group of Columbidae (the group to which all doves and Pigeons belong). There are total of 310 birds in this group.  Pigeons eating Grains  We are feeding Pigeons from last 15 years, therefore, I am seeing them closely and can easily notice them with the sound they make. It is also common to see Pigeons in captivity and many people breed them. The relationship of humans and Pigeons is very old ( 10,000 years old) and before, the postal system, these birds were used to send essential mails or letters. Rock Pigeo...

Plumbeous Water Redstart (Rhyacornis Fuliginosa) Pictures and Detail

Plumbeous Water Redstart (Male) Plumbeous Water Redstart  (Rhyacornis Fuliginosa) Pictures and Detail During my visit to the small rocky river, I noticed that a small blue colored bird is trying to get my attention. On the first look, I recognized that it is a Redstart; however, I was not aware of it's particular name. Earlier, I covered one more Redstart on this blog, White Caped Redstart . On some search, I found that it is a Plumbeous Water Redstart which is found near fast flowing water bodies, small river, rocky rivers etc. The scientific name of this bird is  Rhyacornis Fuliginos and it belong to Muscicapidae bird family. This bird is mainly found in South Asia, Southeast Asia and China in countries like India, Afghanistan, China, Bhutan, Nepal, Pakistan, Laos, Mynmmar, Thailand and Taiwan. I took the pictures of male Plumbeous Water Redstart because the male birds are in slate blue color and female birds are in Grey color. Male birds do have a rus...

Red-billed Magpie (Urocissa erythrorhyncha) Pictures and Detail

Red-billed Magpie Close Up Red-billed Magpie (Urocissa erythrorhyncha) Pictures and Detail This is second Magpie after Yellow-billed Magpie which I am going to cover in this blog. Recently, When I was taking pictures of Yellow-billed Magpie, then I noticed that there are few Red-billed Magpie are also around me.  The Red-billed Magpie in the picture above becomes my friend and I got a chance to take its close up picture. Though, the numbers of Yellow (Gold ) -billed Magpies were much higher than the Red-billed Magpie birds.  Red-billed Magpie on Tree Sometimes, we can find both Red-billed Magpie and Yellow-billed Magpie in a single group and the difference between these magpies is due to differences in color of their bills and feet; otherwise, both Yellow-billed Magpie and Red-billed Magpie are same physically.  Red-Billed Blue Magpie For a person who does not have knowledge of this fact may find both of them the same. Red-billed Magpie are ...