
Showing posts from 2015

Cattle Egret (Bubulcus ibis) Pictures and Detail

Cattle Egret on the Top of Tree Cattle Egret (Bubulcus ibis) Pictures and Detail-  Most people must have observed Cattle egret birds riding the back of a buffalo or some other animal. Cattle Egret birds are native to Asia, Africa, and Europe. We can see these birds, in a wide geographical area other than their native lands because of their rapid growth. Cattle Egret presents an example of a wider natural expansion ever reached by any bird. Beautiful Cattle Egret ------- Support this Blog and my Bird Photography -------- Cattle Egret prefers to move along with grazing animals like buffalo because their activities and movements help cattle egret to catch their preys which are mostly insects. There are studies showing that Cattle Egret birds are more successful in catching prey when they are moving along with grazing animals as compared to catching prey alone .  Cattle Egret with wings open [Update- 06/09/2016 -  Cattle Egrets are common birds if ...

Great Barbet (Megalaima virens) Pictures and Detail (Barbet with Loud Calls)

Great Barbet  Great Barbet (Megalaima virens) Pictures and Detail Today, I will introduce you to the third Barbet with whom I met a few days back. First, I introduced you to the Brown-headed Barbet and then to Blue-throated Barbet  ( Coppersmith Barbet New) Now, it is time to meet the Great Barbet or Great Hill Barbet with whom I met near Baijnath Town in Himachal Pradesh. In my village, it is very common to hear the loud noise of great barbet, though, we sometimes also hear the voice of blue-throated barbet too. They sometimes come very near to the trees near my home in Himachal. Many times, I have seen them in groups too.  -------- Support this Blog and my Bird Photography ------- I found its location through his sharp calls which you can listen to from a distance. Great Barbet is an Asian Barbet and it is the biggest among all Barbets. Like the other barbets , it is also a plump bird with a short neck, big head, and a short tail. Great ...

Asian Paradise Flycatcher Pictures and Detail (A bird from the Paradise) (One of the most beautiful birds, I ever seen)

Asian Paradise Flycatcher Male Asian Paradise Flycatcher Female Asian Paradise Flycatcher Pictures and Detail As the name suggests, when you see these birds for the first time, then it looks that you are seeing some birds from paradise. These birds are very beautiful and fly very slowly from one branch of the tree to another branch like a weightless object is flying. Also, visit - Verditer Flycatcher The scientific name of these birds is Terpsiphone paradise and they are one of the most beautiful birds, I have ever seen. The male birds have a white-colored body with a long tail and a glossy black colored head. Female birds are Rufous on the back and grayish throat and underparts. -------------Download our app Beautiful Indian Birds ------------- This is the advantage of bird photography that you get a chance to see the beauty of life so deeply. It was a lit bit challenge for me to capture the pictures of male and female Asian Paradise flycatchers becaus...

Orange-headed Thrush (Geokichla citrine) Himalayan Sub Specie (Pictures, Detail and Video)

Orange-headed Thrush Orange-headed Thrush (Geokichla citrina ) (Pictures and Detail)  During my last visit to Himachal Pradesh, I noticed that a bird with a very melodious voice is singing around me, so I took my camera and move forward to find it. After a few meters of distance, I found this beautiful bird made a small video so that I can hear his voice again and again. ------ Download our App Learn about Indian Birds ----- On some study, I found that it is an Orange-headed thrush and the bird which I captured is a Himalayan Sub Specie of this bird. The Himalayan Sub Specie of Orange-headed thrush can be distinguished by the small white-colored patch on its wings which is missing in other species. Orange-headed Thrush on Tree Whenever I feel sad or depressed, I play the beautiful musical calls of this bird, and soon, I feel refreshed. Nature has great power and these birds are part of our nature; however, human greed is destroying nature and thus killing...

Russet Sparrow (Passer rutilans) Pictures and Detail

A Male Russet Sparrow (Himachal) Russet Sparrow (Passer rutilans) Pictures and Detail Today, I will discuss second Sparrow on this blog, earlier I shared with you pictures and detail of House Sparrow  and made you familiar with the disappearance of House Sparrow . Today, I am going to introduce you Russet Sparrow, another Sparrow, which is not so common like House Sparrow.  The scientific name of this Sparrow is Passer Rutilans and it is also called Cinnamon or Cinnamon Tree Sparrow or Lal Guria (in Hindi). It is a Sparrow family bird and they have thick bill. There are three subspecies of Russet Sparrow. I have got pictures of the Russet Sparrow subspecies which is found in the Himalayan region.  A Male Russet Sparrow with Insect  I meet this bird while feeding the house sparrow at my village home near the Baijnath town of Hiamchal. I found that a Rufous colored sparrow is also coming to eat the rice. In my village, everyone has idea...

The Common Tailorbird (Orthotomus Sutorius) Pictures and Detail

Tailor Bird   The Common Tailorbird (Orthotomus Sutorius) Pictures and Detail  Today, I will introduce you to a small songbird, Common Tailorbird . In Hindi and many parts of India, this bird is called Piddi. If you are a nature lover and like to observe birds, then you must have noticed this small bird giving very pleasant calls. I came across this bird a number of times and a few times, I do get a chance to enjoy its sweet song. Download our App Beautiful Indian Birds A Beautiful Common Tailorbird During the my stay in Hoshiarpur, I wake up many times with the sweet calls of the Common Tailor bird because few of them were visiting the tree behind my room. I have found common Tailorbirds at many locations in Punjab and they are very common. However, due to busy and noisy life, many people fail to enjoy the sweetness of their songs.  Backview of Tailor Bird The scientific name of this bird is Orthotomus Sutorius and it is a Warbler....